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Osteo Research Study


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One of the other boarders at my horse's barn is a vet. She sent me a photo of this flier they received at the clinic where she works. Faye Oops isn't scheduled for amputation (we're doing palliative care), but I thought I'd share in case anyone here was interested. I also posted a link to their website (click on title below).



Funded Project for Dogs with Osteosarcoma

ACI is involved in a clinical trial in which dogs who are scheduled for amputation with a diagnosis of osteosarcoma will have tumor samples collected and analyzed. Dogs of all breed, ages, and sex are eligible. This study serves to evaluate the quality of samples collected from Osteosarcoma bone tumors from dogs for genomic profiling. Samples will be collected following the amputation procedure.


Dogs with suspected primary appendicular Osteosarcoma (based on physical exam or radiographs) or confirmed diagnosis (based on previous cytology or histopathology of the affected limb (+/- metastisis) of appendicular Osteosarcoma with a planned amputation are eligible for this trial.


An eligible dog must not have received previous treatment for cancer, including chemotherapy, bisphosphonate therapy, prednisone therapy, radiation therapy or immunotherapy, other than Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs). Concurrent acupuncture is permitted, though the patient must have began acupuncture treatment > 2 weeks prior to sample collection.


Following amputation, patients are eligible to receive treatment as chosen by the owner, including enrollment in another clinical trial. In appreciation of participation, $500 will be provided to the pet owner to offset a portion of the amputation costs.


Edited by winnie

Laura with Celeste (ICU Celeste) and Galgos Beatrix and Encarna
The Horse - Gracie (MD Grace E)
Bridge Angels Faye Oops (Santa Fe Oops), Bonny (
Bonny Drive), Darcy (D's Zipperfoot)



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I know when I was at OSU, I signed waivers/authorization forms for at least 2 studies (I think that at least one of them wasn't their own study); and just before starting chemo, OSU wanted a blood sample and another authorization/study form that was definitely different from those I filled out previously.


I'm not sure whether any of those were for this study, but hopefully it was. (and if money was involved, hopefully OSU got it!).


The more one dog can do to help beat this nasty thing, the better (since it doesn't involve any additional trauma to the dog since the leg was gonna go anyway).

Wendy with Twiggy, fosterless while Twiggy's fighting the good fight, and Donnie & Aiden the kitties

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wow. One of the dogs in our (MD) adoption group was scheduled for an amputation yesterday. Probably too late to participate. I wonder if all the vets around the area got these flyers?

Maureen, Sean, Molly (Garnett Madonna) and Sully (Starz Top Style)


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