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Anyone Ever Have This Problem?

Guest Ferrevergrey

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Guest Ferrevergrey

I'm so frusterated with the pet crematory right now! It's been a month and a half since I lost Boo, and my friend STILL can't get any awnsers from them as far as how to drop of an animal, weither or not the urn is provided, or any details at all! She's left message after message and they never return her calls, and there aren't any others we can find within driving distance. Somehow I just think it would be disrespectful to Boo to just mail him, I wouldn't put him through the mail when he was alive and I don't want to do it to his body now that he's gone :weep Why can't they just awnser? I'm glad I have her to do this for me because I'm still heartbroken, I tried to call them once, and broke out crying after the phone rang 3 times and couldn't leave a message. What kind of business is this anyway? It really irritates me that they never bother to return phone calls so we can find out how to have him taken care of!!!!! All I want is my sweet baby's body back in my home, is that really asking for that much?

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Lydia, if you're having this kind of trouble getting in touch with them, how can you ever trust them to handle Boo properly and with care? How can you ever feel comfortable that the ashes they send back to you are really Boo's? If I were you, I would either find a more businesslike pet crematory, even if they are farther away, or else I would consider an alternative to cremation. That place just sounds like bad news and I wouldn't trust them.

...............Chase (FTH Smooth Talker), Morgan (Cata), Reggie (Gable Caney), Rufus
(Reward RJ). Fosters check in, but they don't check out.
Forever loved -- Cosmo (System Br Mynoel), March 11, 2002 - October 8, 2009.
Miss Cosmo was a lady. And a lady always knows when to leave.

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Guest Ferrevergrey

I never though of it like that-good point, but how can I go about finding another? This is the only one I'm aware of in all of Idaho!!!!!! I just want my baby back :weep Even if it's only his body, it's still Boo! Maybe my mom's right, maybe I have gone over board, but she just doesn't understand why I need to have him with me. It's more for closure then anything else I think, I just need my baby boy!!!!!!!!! :weep :weep :weep :weep :crying:brokenheart

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Doesn't the vet you work for ever send deceased pets out to be cremated for their owners? Couldn't they send Boo out for you?

...............Chase (FTH Smooth Talker), Morgan (Cata), Reggie (Gable Caney), Rufus
(Reward RJ). Fosters check in, but they don't check out.
Forever loved -- Cosmo (System Br Mynoel), March 11, 2002 - October 8, 2009.
Miss Cosmo was a lady. And a lady always knows when to leave.

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Guest Ferrevergrey

I haven't even talked to him about it, Boo's body is still in my friend's freezer. But that take me back to the issue of shipping....I know the vet I work for ships the bodies to a crematory. I also know the truck I've seen pick the animals up has Gem county plates, which is where my friend is, so I bet it's still the same crematory. I guess I could always talk to him about it and see what he says.

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Guest Ferrevergrey

I hope so, I'll have to get the courage to talk to him about it-So far I haven't been able to mention him to anyone without crying, and that's the LAST thing I want to do at work!

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Lydia, I wish you were here in Memphis, we have a very reputable pet cemetary who will come pick up your pet. Its run by a lady I went to grade/high school with. She has this unbelieveable love for animals of any kind & her cemetary is wonderful. Most of the K9 unit of Memphis & Shelby County is buried there, she has her own crematory.

Unfortunately also FedEx & UPS won't take animals to be mailed & I wouldn't trust the USPS. Check your phone book in your county & see if you can find anything closer.

This is so sad, on top of being traumatic for you. Bless your heart.

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Guest Ferrevergrey

I found 3-one had a website and an e-mail, so I e-mailed them, the other two only had a phone number, and I don't have long distance since my cell phone hasn't been returned yet. 2 where really close to where my friend is, too, so I'm sure one of those 2 is the one we can't get to respond....I'll have to ask her the name of that crematory so I avoid them!

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Guest tommymat

I know it's hard to talk about, maybe a family member can bring it up to your boss, or maybe you can write a note to him. He will understand why you can't talk about it yet.

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Guest Ferrevergrey

Maybe a note is the way to go....the only family I have here is my aunt and my grandparents, and they think I'm nuts for doing this too :P I come from a family where animals are property, dogs live outside on chains, and if an animal gets sick, you euthanize it.....They don't understand why I would rack up such a high vet bill trying to save a ferret, and why I'd pay so much to have his ashes returned to me, so I doubt they'd help me much.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest tiggersmommgae

I know this is a very stressful time for you. If you are doing this on your own with the Pet Crematorium, it usually takes two weeks to get a pet back. To make an appointment to take a pet to the creamatorium may be a new task. I agree that maybe you should try another creamatorium if this one is unresponsvie. Do you have a friend that could make the call for you since it distresses you so? it is a little more expensive but doing this with your vet as a go between may solve part of the problem. It is my understanding that they only do animals on certain days of the week and have to have a certain number before they will even begin. Sorry you are having so much trouble. People do care and are here to support you until you get things rolling. Good Luck and know that your pet is still with you because he is in your heart!

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Guest tiggersmommgae

sorry, I forgot! What they supply is a plastic bag which holds the creamains and either a cardboard boc or a cedar box. If you would like the name of the one we used, I would be glad to supply it. they could not have been nicer!

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Guest Ferrevergrey
:weep Okay, now there's 3 different ones I've found-AND NONE OF THEM RETURN MY CALLS! One I found an e-mail to and didn't get a response-WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE? I talked to my vet, but he'd have to charge a desposal fee as well-and it would raise the bill a lot higher then I can afford to pay. The one that she did get ahold of once said $85. I can do that, but it would be almost $200 to go through my vet, and he does ship them to Boise, so I'm sure it's one of these crematories I've already called. I'm getting sup frusterated, maybe I am going to have to settle for a different method, but I really want him back with me in body, and he won't be if I bury him. I don't want to bury him where I'm living right now, I'm not planning on staying here after I graduate.....
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Guest auntiesara

We have always gone through the vet. They place an orange tag on the pet's leg to show he is going to be picked up by the crea matorium. The truck visits the vet's once a week. I have had to sign a legal paper saying that I wished an INDIVIDUAL cremation-this is important-otherwise a number go into the oven together and you won't get the correct ashes. If you call the receptionist at your vet's office she might be able to help you make arrangements since their policies will be familiar to her. In the Boston area it takes 6 weeks to get the ashes back and it's hard to wait. Our crematoriun sent us a brocheur so we sould pick a wooden or bronze urn of the correct size-I'm sure a catsized one would be fine-they may not make anything smaller. Also we told them NEVER to mail the ashes but call us so we could pick them up. We didn't want our Angels to go in the mail either. I hope this helps-I know you're at your wits' end...



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Guest Ferrevergrey

Yes, that does help. We don't have a receptionist at the vet clinic I work at, and I already have an urn I want the ashes put in, which is part of the reason I wanted to make the arrangements without going through a vet! I wanted to have the ashes sealed in a Banana baby food jar that I'd then put into the urn I've already purchased-Boo loved that banana baby food!

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Guest Ferrevergrey

Yes....and no. Possible yes, practicle....No, the only place I'd want him buried would be my mother's flower garden back in Utah, but to do that I'd have to make a 3 hour trip to pick him up, then a 6 hour trip back to Utah, and have to figure out how to keep his body frozen during that period.....I don't want to bury him where I live now, I'm only here for a year or two at most, and I want my baby to be with me! That's my biggest hesitation of choosing another method.

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