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Create Training Problems

Guest steve63

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Guest steve63

Steve- could you use baby gates to achieve the same result as the crate??? Two 42inch tall baby gatesthat get closed at nightime, One in your doorway the other down the hallway. That way its still functions.

And yes, my dog cannot sleep all night without being able to see me.


how are the cats treating the pup now?


The only problem with the baby gate is it will keep the dog barricaded but not the cats. My wife can't sleep knowing the dog and cats could be together unsupervised. The dog and cats have gotten pretty used to each other, most of the time they just ignore one another. But every once in a while there is some interaction where cats will hiss or swipe at dog and Chloe will start barking back at them. The dog has never attacked the cats, but my wife just doesn't feel comfortable allowing them to be together unsupervised at night.


I think the crate is working fine for now. It's funny because we discovered this solution to our problem quite by accident. As I mentioned in earlier post, I had tried sleeping in the living room with the dog for a while and while it helped somewhat it still wasn't the ideal solution. The dog would still get agitated after a few hours and start crying to come out so I thought the problem was her resistance to being crated. Then in November our oil burner failed and we went a whole week without heat in our house. I live in New England where nights can get below freezing in November so to stay warm at night we all slept on air mattresses in the living room with a space heater (and the dog nearby in her crate). Well for the whole week Chloe was perfect, not a peep out of her all night long when the whole family slept in the room with her. Then it dawned on me that she wanted to be near everyone in the family at night, not just me. So the next week I moved her crate to the hall where she was outside everyone's bedroom. That did the trick. It wasn't her resistance to being crated the was the problem, it was that she did not like that most or all of the family was sleeping on the other side of the house. Now that she is near the bedrooms she is fine. I'm guessing she smells us all nearby because my daughter keeps her door closed but Chloe is still fine with it. She just didn't like being on the other side of the house away from the bedrooms even if I was sleeping on the couch near her.

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Ah ok. My cat never tried to jump the gate due to the height of them. But other cats might. AT this point its best to keep everyone calm, a nervous family member could set things off.


Chloe loves you :) and the family so its a good sign she wants to be close. The cats will adjust as will the pup and in time things will work out.


We have no working tv in our bedroom as dog toes keep unscrewing the cable from the wall as its near his bed and his loooooong legs. LOL Love him to bits and its a minor thing.

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