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Dog Park Mishap

Guest JackieJormpJomp

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Guest Muscovy

Lillypad, that is a fantastic idea!


In my state (in Australia) greyhounds are not allowed off-leash on public land (and they also have to be muzzled unless they're on private property) but I wonder if we could get council approval if we had a set-up like yours.... hmmm.....

Edited by Muscovy
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poppy has two pomeranian friends she plays with. they take turns chasing each other, tho the poms tend to give up first when they can't catch her. their owner told me after a few weeks that he was surprised the male pom was not scared of poppy as he'd been savaged by a german sheperd a few days before, picked up and shaken, etc. and punctured skin. the way poppy & the pom interacted, you'd never know. i think poppy thinks they are puppies. she likes all small dogs, not too sure about some bigger ones tho.

Edited by kronckew


Wayne Kroncke

Vegetarians: My food poops on your food.

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