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Lots Of Water Drinking, Low Urine Specific Gravity

Guest gryhnd3

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They feel they have ruled diabetes insipidus out, and I talked to a different vet there today about the incontinence and she also felt she is concentrating her urine based on those later tests. She said since it has been 6 weeks, we should run a small panel again to make sure there is nothing wrong w/ the kidneys - BUN, creatinine (all labwork was fine initially, with the exception of the USG - with the dipstick...).


If there is nothing wrong there, I think she also comes to the conclusion that is some sort of behavioral/psychological issue re: the excessive drinking. Re: the incontinence, she mentioned a medicine that helps with that that we can try, she said it is a little unusual to see that problem so close to when she was spayed (January 2014). I would expect it more in an older dog myself.



Did you ever find out what was going on? I have a very similar situation with my new girl :(

Drinking too much, peeing a lot, including in her crate, leaking while asleep.

But she's seems health as a horse, according to our vet! We've also had tested for everything they can think of!


I know this was a long time ago, but did either of you ever find definitive(ish) diagnoses for your pups? We're dealing with a lot of the same issues and so far all the first round tests (UA, cultures, concentration testing, etc) have been negative/normal.

Edited by Bizeebee
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