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Bailey's Back Leg Issue

Guest dray1965

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Guest dray1965

My boy, Bailey, just turned 10 years old about two months ago. Last December he had a couple of days where suddenly he would not jump on the couch or bed. He's been on joint therapy for about a year by that time. Then he was put on Melaxicam for arthritis, which seemed to help. Over the last week, I noticed his left rear leg had a little drag to it. He already has arth in his left front leg, and his right hind leg has an old healed racing injury. The other strange thing I saw a couple times this past week, his tail would go off to the side while he was walking. I just had him out a couple hours ago walking and a couple of times his back end just went down (collapsed), he did get it right back up again, but it freaked me out. He can still jump on the couch and the bed. I really convinced I should obviously take him to the vet for an exam. Any idea what this might be? I have read many different things from easy treatable things, to the dreaded C word. Please pray for him and me - we need good thoughts. I've had this baby boy for four years and he's the best grey I've ever had.

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Guest grey_dreams

It could be a number of things. Best to get him in to the vet for a complete exam and X-rays.


Sorry your boy is having trouble, and hope it turns out to be something manageable.

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Guest dray1965

Thanks! I've made an appt for the vet for Friday. Wanted to at least know I had one in case he needs it. Today when he doing his business, his hind legs were kinda off to one side, looked really strange, like he's trying to figure out how to hold himself up. He walks okay, sorta, still has that "lazy leg". He doesn't take long walks anyway, but I'm kinda restricting his walk and let him rest.

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Guest Breeze2005

Wishing you the best. My 9 year old greyt is having similar issues with his back legs collapsing and I'd be interested to hear what you find out.

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Guest Alichou

Best to get a vet check right away. It could be that the arthritis is causing nerve or spinal pain which in turn would effect his leg. My grey was limping on his back right leg last week which progressively got worse to the point he could barely walk and was in quite a bit of pain. When I took him to the vet they did xrays to rule out bone cancer. The arthritis was evident in the xrays as well as a bit of degenerative disease. They perscribed gabapentin for the nerve pain and I've ordered a rear harness to help him walk and stay comfrotable. They have great rear and fromt support harnesses and slings on handicappedpets.com. Sending lots of well wishes and positive vibes to you and youer grey.

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