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Guarding Her Rawhide!

Guest NRN13

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It sounds like her trigger is people approaching/reaching at her when she's lying down. From now on, just don't do it. Do your best to minimize her outbursts at all costs. Lure her up into a standing position with treats with at least a few feet of distance ('stand' and recall commands), then go from there.


Many greys come off the track with space guarding issues. Some people just make a blanket statement that you should never touch a dog when it's lying down. But if you eventually want to be able to approach, touch, or handle her while she's on her bed, that's okay too, and there's a training protocol for it. IMO, she's not ready yet. Give her some time to get used to this, then later if you choose to, you can slowly desensitize the bed issue.

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Good advice, thanks. And thanks for the video! very helpful. She didn't do any of this in the very beginning, so maybe we just assumed too much too soon. She doesn't seem to mind petting when she's just just laying on her bed or the floor. It seems when we are trying to get her AWAY from her bed, that we have problems. And when she has bones, rawhides, and really valuable items. I've been working on trading up, and might just focus on that right now. With the other members of my family too. Last night when it was time for bed, we got the leash for one last trip outside and called her cheerfully until she came. Went outside, etc. everything was fine. But my poor son yesterday was growled at when he walked too close when she was laying on some throw pillows on the floor. I keep telling him it will be ok, we just need to give her time and she has to build her trust in him. She's definitely better with my husband and I.

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