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Guest Jacks_Human

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Guest Jacks_Human

Usually Jack is an angel, but in the past week or so there's been a rash of 'damnit dog' behaviour, and I'm stumped as to why. Since I got him, he was a clean dog and even developed an 'I need potty' signal within the first 24 hours I had him (he'd run and touch his nose to his leash, then his coat, then the doorknob) and seemed quite agitated when he had some accidents due to diarrhea (caused by him scarfing up some nasty thing outside, fixed by probiotics from our lovely vet).


ANYWAY, he has had several accidents in the flat (he has no problem holding it, since he did over the weekend, and while we were both at a friend's house for the same amount of time), as well as sleep aggression (normal for most dogs, but Jack is usually very docile even in his sleep), and fear of stuff outdoors (like when I first got him). He seems healthy, doesn't seem to be in pain, is eating/drinking normally, and is just as playful and cuddly as usual indoors. There's nothing new I've seen around the neighbourhood that might be freaking him out, so I confess I'm totally puzzled.

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Both of my guys have gone through phases where their behavior changed temporarily. Who knows what the reason is- stress, boredom, not feeling well, change in weather, gravitational pull of the moon. I just tried to ride it out and make sure everything else was consistent. Has Jack ever been in a training class? That could help him gain confidence and pull out of his funk. Good luck. :)

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Is it possible his stomach hurts? I'm wondering if he picked up some parasites after eating stuff from outside. That would explain the messing and the grouchiness. You could take him in for a fecal or just give him some panacur and see if things improve.

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Guest Jacks_Human

Thanks for your advice.

Is it possible his stomach hurts? I'm wondering if he picked up some parasites after eating stuff from outside. That would explain the messing and the grouchiness. You could take him in for a fecal or just give him some panacur and see if things improve.

He was clean for worms-- the vet checked him when he went in, and I've now mastered the art of keeping him from scarfing garbage :)


Also today he was back on his usual lovely behaviour--no worktime accidents, happy on his walk. Hopefully this means the end of his streak of backsliding.

Edited by Jacks_Human
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Thanks for your advice.

He was clean for worms-- the vet checked him when he went in, and I've now mastered the art of keeping him from scarfing garbage :)


Also today he was back on his usual lovely behaviour--no worktime accidents, happy on his walk. Hopefully this means the end of his streak of backsliding.


Good boy, Jack! Keep it up. :)

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