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Raw Fed And Eating Poop

Guest newgreymama

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Guest newgreymama

Hey all. Sorry I haven't been around too much lately, life has been busy! Cora and Boaz are doing fabulously on the raw diet, we are following the guidelines from the suggested book "Raw & Natural Nutrition for Dogs" and have never been so impressed with a food change- with one small caveat...


In all the reading, looking up and Googling, I read over and over that raw fed dogs don't eat poop. As a matter of fact, switching to raw has been touted as a solution to stop poop eating. Well, apparently, my dogs haven't read any of that because about a month after we started feeding raw, both of our dogs have started poop eating. Voraciously. As in, can.not. seem to get enough. Blech. When on kibble, they never tried to eat feces.


Anyways, was just wonder if anyone else here has encountered this on a raw diet? Is it a huge deal, other than the gross out factor (they aren't lickers, so I am not concerned about their mouth in contact with our skin etc). it doesn't seem to affect their health in any way--we do keep the yard as picked up as possible, daily pickups are necessary with two large dogs, poop eaters or not! But occasionally something gets left behind, and sometimes they are so into eating it, they will poop it out and eat it right away, before I can get to them to pick it up (if I am out there with them) Is the only solution at this point muzzles with poop guards? I hope not, but we will do what we have to. :)


Thanks for any and all advice! :)

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Guest iconsmum

yeah, I don't think raw feed has anything to do with it either - mine does it occasionally - more so in the winter when it's frozen and I find it just intolerable - gaghh When I know it's an "appropriate" time, I put the offender on a 12 foot light line and just stand quietly and wait. When he's "done", I bring him in and then go back to pick it up. The other times, I just let him out to have fun...that's not a solution, it's just managing it, but the thought of uchhh, can't even type it :))

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