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Poop In The House

Guest Krizzy

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We have had Hammer for almost 4 months now. Everything has been awesome. About two weeks ago, we have started to leave him out of his crate while we were at work- no problems. Every morning before work, Hammer and I go on a 15 min walk and he absolutely LOVES them. We had some snow and the temp dropped and it was way too cold to go on our walk this morning so, I went outside with him in our backyard, he peed a couple times and pooped once. I went to work, six hours later, I came home to two huge piles of soft poop. I let him go outside and he pooped two more times- diarrhea.


My questions are:


1. Should we go back to leaving him in his crate while we are at work? Could it be because he didn't have his walk?


2. Could it be he just had a stomach ache? Call and ask vet?


I know we have only had him for about 4 months, but this isn't his usual behavior. I appreciate any advice :-)

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Guest cwholsin

Unusual elimination in the house is either a sign of illness or stress. Considering how much he pooped, I'm leaning towards illness since he's 'needing' to poop much more frequently. It's possible it's stress related, but seems much more likely to be that he isn't feeling good. Poor guy. Limited rations of boiled chicken and rice or plain cooked ground beef, plenty of water, and call the vet if he doesn't improve overnight!


Hope your boy feels better soon :)

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Guest cwholsin

No problem! we've all done the upset tummy thing.


Definitely replace his meal tonight, and you're generally supposed to give him half of his normal ration. If he has bad poo overnight or in the morning, I'd keep going with the 'gentle' foods until he feels better, or your vet specifies otherwise!

Edited by cwholsin
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Guest EvanstonGrey

I agree - sounds like he's got a tummy bug. My girl has only pooped in the house (also diarrhea) when she was sick. If he's up with it tonight too, I would suggest fasting and maybe a vet visit if you can squeeze it in before the holidays.

Best of luck, I hope your pup feels better!

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It's probably too late by now, but if any of my guys have the runs I skip the next meal, then go to meat and rice for the following meal. I do 2-3 meals of just meat and rice. Then beyond I feed half kibble half meat/rice.


For the meat rice mixture I usually do 2 parts rice to 1 part meat. I make a huge container so that it lasts for a few days. I usually wait 2-3 days before calling the vet.


I also use an over the counter wormer 2 or 3 times a year. Won't hurt, might help.

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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Thanks Gracegirl- he has been doing pretty good. Last night we gave him the rice/chicken and this morning I did the same. My husband said that on their walk this AM, his poop was still a little soft, but I fed him his regular kibble for dinner tonight. He hasn't had his second poop today (he usually goes twice a day) I am curious to see if its gonna be solid. I will just have to wait and see.


Evanstongrey- After I heard about the soft poop this AM, I called the vet to see if they had any other suggestions but they were closed. Good thing is that he seems to be better. I am trying to get him to drink more water also.

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Um, just for the record, I live in northeast Iowa where it is as cold or generally colder where you are, and we ALWAYS walk. Single digits, sub-zero, in a blizzard, in the 10" of snow we just had, whatever. Shorter walks of course in really bad weather but we never stop a single day year round. Not really a choice for us since I have only a very small yard that Beth won't poop in, but I have to say I shake my head at how easily people wimp out. She still enjoys her walk at single digits -- really any time the wind's not howling.

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Krizzy

PrairieProf- I shake my head at comments like yours. Please don't judge when I do and don't walk my grey.


I want to thank everyone for their info- Hammers poop has been back to normal. The rice and chicken worked great :-)

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