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Contemplative Moments

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Tracker turned 6 recently. Lately (say the last 3 weeks) he's turned contemplative on walks. We live in a rural area with wide vistas. While he's as energetic as he's always been, he throws in long (like 2-3 minutes) breaks where he'll stand in one spot and just takes everything in. He's very relaxed; he's not fixating on anything, because he does look around; he'll just look, and perhaps sniff the air a bit. He seems happy doing it. Is this perhaps age related--more time to pay attention to hitherto ignored things? Do other dogs do that as they age (he's my first and only)? Maybe it's just a phase. I just find it interesting and endearing.

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My girl, who turned 5 last month, does this in an area that has an open vista. Like you, I live in a rural area, though I do live right in the hamlet, but we don't have to go far before we see open fields. Annie will stop, lift her head, nose taking in the smells and her face having a very placid, I'm-enjoying-this look on her face. I've assumed she likes being able to use those beautiful brown eyes unheeded to look into the distance.

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Your post made me cry. Last year my 13 year old greyhound "Wink" woke me up at 3 AM. I went to the back door to let him out but he went to the front door, wanting to go for a walk. One week before he had collapsed on our walk and I had to carry him home. The vet said no more walks for a while, but he was insistant, wagging his tail furiously. Despite the hour I gave in and we went for a walk. When we got to our usual turn around point he stopped and just looked around for about 10 minutes. Then he turned around and we went home. It was the last walk we ever took. He passed away 2 weeks later. I think he knew his time was near and wanted to go for one last walk while he still could.

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Your post made me cry. Last year my 13 year old greyhound "Wink" woke me up at 3 AM. I went to the back door to let him out but he went to the front door, wanting to go for a walk. One week before he had collapsed on our walk and I had to carry him home. The vet said no more walks for a while, but he was insistant, wagging his tail furiously. Despite the hour I gave in and we went for a walk. When we got to our usual turn around point he stopped and just looked around for about 10 minutes. Then he turned around and we went home. It was the last walk we ever took. He passed away 2 weeks later. I think he knew his time was near and wanted to go for one last walk while he still could.

Allergies are really bad today. Hug your pups. You never know.

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My parents dog (not a greyhound) does this all the time and has done since he was very little. He is full of energy most of the time but usually a couple of times a day he will sit back and watch things. He'll go out into my parents garden and sit for 5 minutes or so and watch the birds fly over, sniff the air and take everything in. Especially when he first goes out in the morning.

It's lovely to watch - like he is appreciating the smaller things in life as well :)

I love watching him do it!

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