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Growling - Leave Her Alone?

Guest rennina

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Guest k9soul

Rudy has growled a few times when we were really close to each other (with him lying down) and I reached out or moved a hand up and he got uneasy. He has not done it for some time now and actually seems to enjoy cuddling close and not being so bothered by my movements like he used to. When he did growl, I did not punish him, but I got up and called him over to his own bed and praised him when he came over and laid down there. I felt like this did a couple things: One he was moved into his own space if he was seeming uncomfortable, and two the praise he got for coming when I called him over seemed to leave things on a good note.


He presented a bit of a conundrum for me because he really wants to lay close and cuddle up with me but would get uneasy being touched or if I raised my hand. So I got a cup of kibble with a lid and kept it nearby and began raising my one hand while giving him a few kernels with another, then moving on to petting him and giving him some. He is highly food motivated so this really worked to relax him, and he even got to where he was nosing my "petting hand" to encourage me to pet him because he knew he got some kibbles then. I've gotten to where I can touch him or move around when he is lying close to me with rarely any signs of anxiety now, whether he's getting goodies or not. I feel like our relationship is better and one of mutual trust. I still always make sure he's aware I'm going to touch him before I do so and that I use slow and soft gentle strokes on his neck, chest or shoulder area.


My main suggestion for a youngster would be to keep interactions very calm and relaxed when the pup is lying down or in bed, slow hand strokes, soft talking, maybe some treat rewards. I'd keep playing or excited voice stuff to a minimum in that situation.

Edited by k9soul
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