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My Poor Corn Dog :(

Guest DeniseL

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Guest DeniseL

I feel so bad!! My baby had to have laser corn removal on Monday. I have been concerned with his energy level and lethargy since we first adopted him about a month ago. Everyone at the adoption group said he was energetic and full of life, but since we had him he only wanted to lay down and was so hesitent to walk. We just thought it was the new surrondings, etc. Finally we noticed a limp on back left paw. I looked at it and it seemed like something was stuck in it. Turns out it was a nasty, EVIL, corn. I hate these things so much already!!!! We took him to the clinic and it turns out he has 4 corns on 3 feet. I was heartbroken for him. They hulled the corns on left front and back paw (2 on back paw) and lasered...now my poor baby doesn't want to walk at all. He is in a lot of pain and has big holes on his paws. I know it will take a while to get better. We are cleaning/ re-bandging/ putting on ointment twice a day and it does look like it is improving a little. But meanwhile he is just pathetic. :( All he does is lay down and when he is up, can barley put weight on either paw. This morning, I got him to walk to go to the bathroom and then I couldn't get him to come back home. Eventually, I had to pick him up an carry him ( all 70 lbs). He is taking pain meds three times a day. I'm not sure I would agree to this again. Unless, of course they stay away for a LONG time, but nobody seems really confident of that. I'm just upset becasue our house is hardwood floors and we live in the city which is all cement. I bought him Thera-paws for every foot and my husband and I are going tonight to buy a bigger area rug for him. Next maybe we will by a new house with a grass yard LOL

I guess I am just upset and frustrated...I feel so powerless to help him and the thought that this will be ongoing for his whole life is very depressing. He is only 2 years old.

I have been reading some of the corn threads here and they have been very helpful. This is our first time owning a greyhound (we brought home two) and I guess its baptism by fire.

Any good thoughts for my Miami would be much appreciated....

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Guest DeniseL

The Murray Avenue cream seemed to work for Chevy. Here is a link to the old topic


Thank you, I am going to buy the Murray Ave and try that on his front right paw...

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I can commiserate. :( But I'm very hopeful that the lasering will give him some long term relief, if not kill the b*stards DED! Keep us updated on how he's doing. If he doesn't like therapaws, I've had good luck with neopaws. Many kisses for your Miami from my corn-boy Conor. Manly kisses of course. ;)


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Guest greytexplorer

Mandy and Ester's boyfriend Fit has corns. Repeatedly. It's awful. :censored I'm sorry that as a new greyhound owner you have to deal with this.


Maybe you can take comfort in knowing that you are not alone. :bighug


I do hope that you'll find a product out there that will work for your Miami!!!!

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Guest DeniseL



Yes it did!!! Thank you!! :)


Mandy and Ester's boyfriend Fit has corns. Repeatedly. It's awful. :censored I'm sorry that as a new greyhound owner you have to deal with this.


Maybe you can take comfort in knowing that you are not alone. :bighug


I do hope that you'll find a product out there that will work for your Miami!!!!


Thats what I love about this forum, it is comforting to know others have made it through similar situations... :)

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Guest Adrianne

Good thoughts coming to Miami and to you.


I wanted to add my .02 worth, not as an expert of any kind but only because we were successful in getting rid of Chevy's corn.


I don't believe there's any quick easy fix for corns--you will be frustrated, and you must be patient. It took about five and a half months of treatments to rid Chevy of his corn. For about four months, I did only the twice daily cream treatments, missing only a few days when I was traveling for work. I added the duct tape to the treatment in addition to the cream for the last month or two, and for about the last month, I dremeled the corn to give him pain relief.


I was prepared to do the cream treatments twice a day for however many months the tube of cream lasted, and I ended up with at least a month's worth of cream left. It really doesn't take much. If I was at home, the treatment was done twice a day, no matter what. Nothing stood in the way--it was priority number 1.


Each cream treatment takes a minimum of 40 minutes, and if you add dremeling in, you're looking at a little more time. So, two hours a day, every day, for six months or more. It's a big time commitment. There were some evenings I came in from working and would feel so tired and not feel like doing the treatment because it didn't seem to be working anyway. This is what I would tell myself those evenings, "If you knew with 100% certainty that you'll get rid of this blasted corn if you just take the time to do it twice a day like the instructions say, would you do it?" The answer was always yes, so I always did it no matter how tired or frustrated I was. Of course, there's no guarantee like that, but I treated it like there was. Corns are stubborn--be more stubborn.


The reward? Chevy has been corn free for about a year now, and I still get tickled when we walk. He doesn't have to wear a TheraPaw boot, and he doesn't limp on hard surfaces. He's free. And it's amazing!

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