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Greyhounds With Other Breeds

Guest apocalyp

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Guest apocalyp

I'm not sure if this is the right section but it seemed the most appropriate.


I'm currently looking into adopting a greyhound and was wondering what others members experiences. I've currently got a 2.5 year old Siberian Husky and was curious if other members have had a husky and greyhound in the same household. Any issues I should know about? Anything specific that's unique to these two breeds?


From what I've read there's the basic neutral ground introduction standard.

- Meet somewhere away from home

- Walk around together for a bit

- When you get home allow the current dog to enter first

- Monitor the situation


Anything else I'm missing?

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Guest Arielle

I don't actually have a husky in the same house, but my parents have one and so she and my grey are together almost every weekend. They get along fine. I don't really know if there is anything special to be aware of in regards to huskies, but I know that some greyhounds are not used to other non-greys and may exhibit breed aggression or breed snobbery (mine was like this when I first got her but after many playdates and trips to the dog park has completely overcome it). It's fun to see them run together - the husky is one of the only dogs I've seen that is able to keep up with my grey at a full run. Other people who are more experienced than me will probably be able to offer more insight, but I think as long as you have two friendly dogs and are able to deal with a few rough patches in the beginning while they are still getting used to each other, you should be fine. Good luck!

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I've got 3 greys, a husky and a GSD mix. It's been interesting. Gracie is my first husky, and a rescue with resource guarding issues who I had before I got bit by the grey bug. I think there are definitely greys that would not appreciate her loud, in your face manner. My three pretty much look at her like she is crazy and move on. Huskies definitely have a different playstyle than greys. She and my GSD rough house but she doesn't really play with the greys except for a little chase and she gets dusted, :) Jujube will try and actually play with her occasionally but it's just a couple of play bows and barks and that is about it. They all get along well though.


Definitely take your husky to meet your grey before you commit to any individual grey. I brought mine to the kennel to meet each of the 3 greys. We met one grey that wanted OUT of the meet and greet room when Gracie started rooing at him. Greys come in so many personalities, I'm sure there are some that are more playful with other breeds than mine are, and I've seen photo evidence on this site.


As far as meeting, mine have all met at the kennel first. Then on the day of adoption we have taken everybody on a short walk around the block together so butts can be sniffed on neutral ground. Then we have taken them in the house. Never had a problem. Then monitor closely for as long as it takes for you too feel comfortable with them. I have always crated to start out, both for housebreaking (which has been EASY with the greys) and for their protection. Nobody is crated now and I've had no problems.


I know there are a couple of other husky owners on this site as well. I'll be interested in their experiences too. Good luck with your new grey.

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Guest SusanP

I think the individual personalities matter more than anything. We added a small, middle aged Labrador to our pack of 3 greyhounds last summer. But this is a Labrador who acts like a greyhound--She has no interest in toys, does not understand the concept of "fetch", and doesn't like to get wet. She loves to stay in the house on a soft bed as much as possible. She fit right in! I would worry more about a very high-energy or assertive dog, but you really have to think of the individuals.


We usually have new dogs meet in a neutral place--used to do it on leash, but I have one leash-reactive greyhound, so the local animal shelter had us introduce our hounds to the Lab one at a time at first, off leash in an enclosed area. One thing we noticed is that our pushiest greyhound was distracted enough in a new environment to tone his behavior down a bit, but when we got the new dog home, he wouldn't leave her alone, and she began growling every time she saw him. We settled her in DS's room for the night, where she played video games with DS and relaxed. In the morning, she felt more up to dealing with Spinner, and he was slightly less revved up.


We don't worry about all that stuff like who goes through the door first, etc...but we always find that walking our new and old dogs together is a great way to help them relax and bond, so a walk is one of the very first activities we do when a new dog comes home, and we do them more often than usual in the first days.


How does the husky react around other dogs? Does he like them? Does he try to play roughly with them? You'll want to pick a greyhound that he hits it off with.


Edited to add, yes, monitor like mad! I don't leave new dogs alone with the others for the first few days until I am sure things are going well.

Edited by SusanP
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Only thing I would add is that you will need muzzles for the dogs (both of them) at least at first for both in and outside. Later you might not need them in the house but, you always want to put them on the yard for a good amount of time (6 months to a year) and maybe you'll always need muzzles outside.

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Guest zombrie

I don't have a husky, but in addition to our 3 greyhounds, we have a GSD and a Golden Retriever. We've had no real issues.

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Guest apocalyp

This is good. My husky isn't your typical husky.she doesn't rough house or rarely does anyways. Her favorite Past time is finding a dog to chase her and run.


She a pretty timid dog as well and actually isn't even that vocal except when it's bed time. a lot of times i just stand in the yard and she runs circles around me for fun.

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This is good. My husky isn't your typical husky.she doesn't rough house or rarely does anyways. Her favorite Past time is finding a dog to chase her and run.


She a pretty timid dog as well and actually isn't even that vocal except when it's bed time. a lot of times i just stand in the yard and she runs circles around me for fun.


She sounds more like a greyhound. :)

It might be a match made in heaven!

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My greyhounds have always gotten along famously with other breeds. I have one greyhound right now along with a great pyrenees and an australian shepherd. One of our adopters has a greyhound and a husky and they're best friends. :)


Some friends brought their dogs over a few weeks ago and one of them was a husky:



| Rachel | Dewty, Trigger, and Charlotte | Missing Dazzle, Echo, and Julio |

Learn what your greyhound's life was like before becoming part of yours!
"The only thing better than the cutest kitty in the world is any dog." -Daniel Tosh

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