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Horse-Like Tendencies

Guest ztirpak

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Guest DragonflyDM

Hey all,


New to the forums and this is my first topic! I wanted to share an interesting behavior my 5 year-old Case exhibits when he knows we're going outside. As soon as he hears a leash he goes into very bronco-like bucking and rearing. I call him 'Man O War' (after the famously ornery racehorse) when he gets like this. With his rearing up and bucking, he reminds me of a racehorse. Any similar experiences or thoughts?


Welcome! And Hellboy Boomer does the same thing. In the morning he sees I am up and will do the bucking bronco and then again when we first get out of the house on the leash. It is very cute.

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Guest BassoonMo

Our boy Easy was a big jumper when we got him. It was so bad that the other dogs were afraid to get near him (he stepped on the yorkie a couple times) and he hit me in the face with his head once. We started turning our back on him if he started jumping on us and would wait until he calmed down. Then we would put on the leash. He still gets excited when I get the leashes, but he controls himself and does more of a tiny hop than a jump. It's just safer for everyone!

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

You should have seen the dogs at the track if I even touched a leash. They knew it meant race time and they got SO excited. Same if I grabbed a race muzzle (as opposed to a regular kennel muzzle).

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Guest ztirpak

You should have seen the dogs at the track if I even touched a leash. They knew it meant race time and they got SO excited. Same if I grabbed a race muzzle (as opposed to a regular kennel muzzle).


I guess that's kind of what I assumed his behavior was from. Maybe he thought by my grabbing the leash he was going to get to go race. Do the majority of dogs get like this before a race I wonder?

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

They sure do. Everyone I worked with sure did. And when I do amateur racing with my Whippets and Greys, they go insane with joy and excitement.

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You should have seen the dogs at the track if I even touched a leash. They knew it meant race time and they got SO excited. Same if I grabbed a race muzzle (as opposed to a regular kennel muzzle).


this helps explain a lot to me about why all four of mine go crazy whenever I touch the leashes and/or collars. We have a plywood gate blocking the front door area where the leashes are, the they are literally jumping up on the gate, rooing, barking and going crazy as soon as they hear a leash get touched. Heaven help me if I am only taking one out to go to a vet appointment! I will wait until they calm down before the collars go on, and we will not open the gate until they are calm, but I wonder if they will ever be calm when we touch the collars/leashes? a dog trainer suggested de-sensitiing them by bringing out the leashes/collars at odd times during the day, but then not taking the dogs out, just putting the leashes on the table, or putting them away, so the dogs learn that they do not necessarily mean a walk...wonder if it would work?

Rio aka El Rio (Dec. 4/07) - Home May 16, 2010
Tiana aka CTW Tyra Time (June 7/07 to December 9, 2016) - home July 1, 2010, we miss you terribly, Sweet Girl :weep

Willy aka Starz Predator (Oct. 15/06) - home Aug. 29, 2010
and littermates Merlin aka CTW Excalibur & Mirage aka CTW Mirage (Jan. 1/08) - home Dec. 5, 2010
& June 3, 2012
missing Beagle-Chihuahua, Kasie Lynn (March 15/95-Sept. 13/10)

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Guest mlindau

Yep :lol I had a boy named Steak and he LOVED the leash, so much so that when my husband would go to put on a belt in the morning he had to hide in the closet because Steak thought it was a leash and would come barreling into him and bucking all around and jumping up and down :lol He is gone now and not a moment goes by any day that I don't think of him. Enjoy the quirks.

You can work with your dog to calm down a bit, we did with Steak but he still would get so excited and it always put a smile on my face :)


Haha! Case does the same thing when I'm getting ready for work. Really anything that jingles gets him all riled up. And I agree with you on the last part, I think it's pretty funny to watch. I let him have his ten seconds of excitement and then snap the leash on and take him out!


Hi, Just curious...... We were fostering a "Case". Haven't been able to find any info on him. What is your Case's full name? Our foster's was ColdCase II

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Guest ztirpak

Yep :lol I had a boy named Steak and he LOVED the leash, so much so that when my husband would go to put on a belt in the morning he had to hide in the closet because Steak thought it was a leash and would come barreling into him and bucking all around and jumping up and down :lol He is gone now and not a moment goes by any day that I don't think of him. Enjoy the quirks.

You can work with your dog to calm down a bit, we did with Steak but he still would get so excited and it always put a smile on my face smile.gif


Haha! Case does the same thing when I'm getting ready for work. Really anything that jingles gets him all riled up. And I agree with you on the last part, I think it's pretty funny to watch. I let him have his ten seconds of excitement and then snap the leash on and take him out!


Hi, Just curious...... We were fostering a "Case". Haven't been able to find any info on him. What is your Case's full name? Our foster's was ColdCase II


Well, my Case is 'CTW Legal' Case so I think you had a different pup!

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