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Trifexis + Frontline Plus = Safe?

Guest driser

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Guest driser

I did a search using "Trifexis" and read through the threads that it was mentioned, but didn't see this question in particular answered. I want to switch from Heartguard to Trifexis since our guy seems to pick up hookworm at the drop of a hat (we walk a number of different state parks where I'm sure they are the soil from other dogs). But we live in Connecticut (USA) near Lyme, CT... tick prevention is a must. Can we use Trifexis AND Frontline Plus?? That's doubling up on flea medicine...

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Guest DragonflyDM

I think you really need to ask a vet to get an answer to that. I wouldn't even start to guess on the toxicity of mixing or overlaping those two.


However, if you want to reduce your chances of ticks, I have a few recommendations you CAN combine.


1. Baker's yeast. add a tablespoon a week into the diet. ticks HATE it in the blood.

2. Richards Organic Shampoo. Not only does it use a lot of oils ticks hate-- it uses a lot of oil scents I LOVE.

3. Flea collar whenever you take your dog someplace you think isn't safe. You can certainly combine a powder collar with a Frontline Plus.

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Guest LindsaySF

I've used both on the pit bulls before, but I'd be hesitant with the greyhounds because they can be more sensitive. Have you tried Interceptor for heartworm preventative?

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I've used both on the pit bulls before, but I'd be hesitant with the greyhounds because they can be more sensitive. Have you tried Interceptor for heartworm preventative?


Interceptor is just about impossible to purchase anymore. Our new vet has some boxes in small sizes only.

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Guest LindsaySF

My vet still has it in stock, but yeah they expect their supplies to dwindle if they don't start manufacturing it again. Costco Pharmacy carries Interceptor now, they had some in stock last time I was there. I bought some Iverheart Max online last month and used that on the mutts.

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Trifexis and Frontline are safe to use together, as they work by completely different mechanisms, so you're not really 'overlapping' on anything. However, since you'd be doubling up on the flea control, have you considered using Trifexis with a Preventic collar instead of Frontline? Btw, flea collars don't work and are a waste of money, but tick collars (like Preventic) are actually pretty good. And a Preventic collar may work better for ticks than Frontline anyway.

Jennifer &

Willow (Wilma Waggle), Wiki (Wiki Hard Ten), Carter (Let's Get It On),

Ollie (whippet), Gracie (whippet x), & Terra (whippet) + Just Saying + Just Alice


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Guest driser

I've used both on the pit bulls before, but I'd be hesitant with the greyhounds because they can be more sensitive. Have you tried Interceptor for heartworm preventative?



Was looking at Trifexis in light of not being able to buy Interceptor from either of our vets yet. Still out after plant shut down, no idea when they will get more.

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Heartgard plus is supposed to kill heartworms, plus hooks and rounds. Are you using just the regular heargard? If so, why not the Heartgard+? Are you using the HG+ but still having issues with hooks?


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Guest 2houndmom

I think you really need to ask a vet to get an answer to that. I wouldn't even start to guess on the toxicity of mixing or overlaping those two.


However, if you want to reduce your chances of ticks, I have a few recommendations you CAN combine.


1. Baker's yeast. add a tablespoon a week into the diet. ticks HATE it in the blood.

2. Richards Organic Shampoo. Not only does it use a lot of oils ticks hate-- it uses a lot of oil scents I LOVE.

3. Flea collar whenever you take your dog someplace you think isn't safe. You can certainly combine a powder collar with a Frontline Plus.



I'm intrigued by the Baker's yeast! Like Fleismann's yeast? So do you pull a full tablespoon over the food during 1 feeding or do you sprinkle enoough each feeding to make a full tablespoon in a week?


Thanks in advance!!

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Guest gomiesmom

I just went through this; it may help you,it may not.

**** be sure to read starred section below before deciding*****

I asked my vet the same question. Due to the interceptor shortage and the fact that the vet told me (mistaknely or really overly causious, I think)that Ivermectin based heartworm prevent. can cause neuro probs. w/ sighthounds, I was considering Trifexis.


Well, the vet did not know if the flea ingred in Trifexis would react w/ Frontline, but they offered to call Trifexis sales rep for me. Trifexis rep, said "there were no known reactions when using trifexis and frontline plus" ( exact words).

So I thought , O.K. - I'll just call my group director, which I should have done first anyway. She did not have anything bad to say about Trifexis, but it's new, so she really did not know and does not use it. She advised my guys, in her care, had been on Ivermectin, as that is what she uses, and apparently a lot of tracks use too.

I am now using liquid Ivermectin for Heartworm preventative, after dosing instructions from her. April was 1st dose, (no issues at all) , due for another in a few days.


Again, this may not help you , and I think another member replied, that the Trifexis and Frontline work on 2 diff. systems, which is correct; but I too was nervous about double a flea preventative, which led to the above......saga.


***** Oh & this is IMPORTANT- The Flea ingred. ( spinosaa- or something like that ) in Trifexis DOES react (seriously) w/ Ivermectin; so don't try Trifexis and then switch to an ivermectin or if you have been using an ivermectin based product don't switch to the Trifexis without-- TALKING to the vet or doing reseach**********************

I found this through on line research & the mfg website, etc; BUT - if you listen to the Trifexis TV commercial w/ the dog in the plastic runner thing -the voice that is so soothing, telling you about possible side effects, says it can have serious reactions with Ivermectin, but you have to really listen************

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I'm not sure why some vets think that greyhounds shouldn't get ivermectin, but this is not the first time I've heard that. Certain breeds (almost exclusively herding breeds) are sensitive to ivermectin due to a specific genetic mutation, but even those sensitive dogs are fine with the minuscule dose of ivermectin used in commercial heartworm preventatives. Greyhounds have not been found to carry this gene.


However, gomiesmom is correct about the interaction of ivermectin and spinosad (active flea control ingredient in Comfortis and Trifexis), and this is something that is important to be aware of. The interaction is only seen with high doses of ivermectin - usually used to treat mange/mites, or possibly if you're using liquid ivermectin as heartworm preventative. The tiny dose of ivermectin found in commercial products like Heartgard is not a problem, and can safely be used with Comfortis.


Keep in mind that when you use liquid ivermectin, you're usually using multiple times the dose actually needed to prevent heartworms (and you don't get effective control of intestinal parasites).

Jennifer &

Willow (Wilma Waggle), Wiki (Wiki Hard Ten), Carter (Let's Get It On),

Ollie (whippet), Gracie (whippet x), & Terra (whippet) + Just Saying + Just Alice


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