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Broken Toe

Guest WhiteWave

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Guest WhiteWave

We got home last and Riddick was limping. I started checking and he has rebroken his back middle toe. This time however is a worse break and the bone pierced the skin. I bandaged it and we are taking him to vet in the morning as our E-vet is outrageously expensive and want 1/2 upfront before they will even begin treatment and my dog savings was used with Casper's surgery to remove 20 plus tumors 2 months ago.


It really doesn't seem to bother him much, but this is the second time. I was thinking of amputating the toe as we don't have money to go to an orthopedic vet right now. I just don't know what the right thing to do it. It is a weight bearing toe. He is only 8 months old.


Anyone ever amputated a weight bearing toe? How do they do with it? It took him almost 3 months to start using the foot again after simple break. This one is more severe and would take surgery to repair.

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There are lots of threads here (hint: use Google to search <greytalk toe amputation> as "toe" is too short to search on GT's own engine!). Beth had a weight-bearing rear toe amputated in May after a non-healing injury and is fine now. They generally take the toe off at the top where it meets the foot. It only takes a few weeks for the amp site to heal for walking (we had some complications with skin ripping around the sutures requiring a period of crate rest, but most don't) and then longer for running (we leash-walked for a couple of months to be on the safe side, even though the site appeared fully healed to the eye). Some people get all "omigod, it's a weight bearing toe" but Beth has no limp at all, takes long walks, runs full-out, etc. I won't say I don't worry more about that foot and the possibility of reinjury, but you'd have that worry whatever you do. I definitely think you should go ahead and amputate. Poor Riddick will be feeling better and back to normal activity MUCH sooner that way.


As Greysmom may well chime in to tell you, after her Dude had a rear leg amputated, his one remaining back foot was missing a weight-bearing toe removed after a previous break, and HE was fine on it too!


P.S., if you're on Facebook there's even a club there for three-toed greyhounds! :)


I'm very sorry about Riddick's injury -- I know how upset you must be. And on a weekend too, of course.

Edited by PrairieProf

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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My ~13 year old needed to have a weight bearing toe removed and she did great. She never limped on it, but then again, it wasn't like she was doing crazy roomies in the yard at her age! :) I wouldn't hesitate to do it again though.

With Buster Bloof (UCME Razorback 89B-51359) and Gingersnap Ginny (92D-59450). Missing Pepper, Berkeley, Ivy, Princess and Bauer at the bridge.

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Guest WhiteWave

He is in surgery now. He broke two toes. One at the first joint close to the toe nail and the other higher up closer to base of the foot. They are most likely going to pin one and amputate the worse one. Vet said he would decide after getting in there what would be the best way to go.

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Guest WhiteWave

Riddick is home and doing fine. There was infection in the bone possible from the first break months ago and the reason it broke again so they took the one toe off.


He has is wrapped and will have to have bandage changes every 3-4 days and no running for a month. Hard to do when you just a puppy!


Everyone said he was one of the sweetest dogs they have ever had there! So well behaved and great temperament. It was the first time he had ever been away from me too since I got him! He is a sweet boy.


He has ended his racing career, but maybe we'll do therapy work instead. He likes going to nursing homes!

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