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White Discharge From Male Dog

Guest RealClearBlue

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Guest RealClearBlue



Just wondering if anyone else had this particular issue. Alright so this is a bit embarrassing to talk about but wanted to see if anyone else had this issue. It hasn't happened in about 2 weeks but it has happened about 2 times before that in the month I've had Howie. Whenever he urinated, afterwards a white mucus substance would start to dribble from his penis. Now hes neutered so...any other white substance coming out is a bit concerning :lol . I'm just wondering given that its been a week or two since it happened should I still be concerned and even if not, simply out of curiosity any idea what could of caused this to happen?

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It was actually dribbling out? What was the quantity?


Male dogs have smegma. It often gets mistaken for pus. It's a yellowish-white colour and is often seen on prepuce (sheathe that hides the penis). But it doesn't really dribble. You just sometimes see a tiny amount stuck to the hair at the opening of the prepuce. This small amount is normal. Larger amounts, dribbling, bad odours would be abnormal and you'd want to get checked out by a vet.

Kristie and the Apex Agility Greyhounds: Kili (ATChC AgMCh Lakilanni Where Eagles Fly RN IP MSCDC MTRDC ExS Bronze ExJ Bronze ) and Kenna (Lakilanni Kiss The Sky RN MADC MJDC AGDC AGEx AGExJ). Waiting at the Bridge: Retired racer Summit (Bbf Dropout) May 5, 2005-Jan 30, 2019

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Guest RealClearBlue

It was actually dribbling out? What was the quantity?


Male dogs have smegma. It often gets mistaken for pus. It's a yellowish-white colour and is often seen on prepuce (sheathe that hides the penis). But it doesn't really dribble. You just sometimes see a tiny amount stuck to the hair at the opening of the prepuce. This small amount is normal. Larger amounts, dribbling, bad odours would be abnormal and you'd want to get checked out by a vet.

Yes. The first time it dribbled out but it was a small quantity. I was in the living room with my girlfriend when she saw something drip out and mentioned it. However the second time it seemed to be less than before and appeared on the tip of his penis. I wiped it with a paper towel once we got in the house and it had a much more substantial appearance on him than it did on the towel. I plan on taking him to the vet in the next week to get a regular check up but intended on mentioning it during the visit. As I said it hasn't happen for the past week or two but was still curious why it happened at all.

Edited by RealClearBlue
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  • 6 months later...

When i got Jack he had a lot of discharge on his penis, seemed to collect there, it sometimes had a greenish tinge. Got a urine sample as I thought he had a UTI, urine clear, diagnosis: smegma...kinda gross. I asked the vet to shave some of the hair around his penis just to clean it up, this helped a lot. Still has it now and again but now I know what it is. People have told me once he gets neutered this should decrease. Oh, Jack, don't get too attached to those testicles...

Linda, Keeva and Jack

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