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Sedation When Traveling

Guest Maire

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Guest Snazzy_Chloe

Have you ever had the dog on a long tripo before? You can try the drugs mentioned above which is what you appear to be looking for.

Although, my experience has been that the dog will settle down after a short time if you just relax and ignore him/her (especially if driving on freeways). Stop and go driving in cities tends to be more anxious because they don't know where they are going (or where they are being taken) and it is hard to be the first to know where one is going unless you do jump up and look around or sniff as soon as the car stops at a stop light. Generally, the repetative movement and sound of the pavement against the tires just tends to lull them into a sleep.

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Have you ever had the dog on a long tripo before? You can try the drugs mentioned above which is what you appear to be looking for.

Although, my experience has been that the dog will settle down after a short time if you just relax and ignore him/her (especially if driving on freeways). Stop and go driving in cities tends to be more anxious because they don't know where they are going (or where they are being taken) and it is hard to be the first to know where one is going unless you do jump up and look around or sniff as soon as the car stops at a stop light. Generally, the repetative movement and sound of the pavement against the tires just tends to lull them into a sleep.

:nod Mine are always up and looking around when we're in town but the second we hit the highway, they hit the floor and are snoozing away :lol


Thankfully, all of my kids travel really well. Unfortunately I haven't had any money to be able to afford to travel to anywhere fun!

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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Guest greytkidsmom

I have a dog who hates to travel.


We tried the desensitization thing, benadryl, melatonin, rescue remedy, ginger tea, ginger capsules, happy traveler, and a couple of other non-prescription medications.

He almost killed me on the move from FL to VA climbing into my lap in a panicked state while on the interstate.

I stopped at an E-Vet and he got about 4 shots of ACE (I was a new GH/dog owner and assumed that a vet knew what to do). After the ACE he was just as panicked but more uninhibited. We stopped at a hotel for the night and I got a pop-up fabric kennel at WalMart that would fit in my back seat to make it the rest of the way. I have since learned that ACE can cause dangerous drops in a GHs blood pressure.


Our new vet suggested we try xanax. With that he would actually lay down in the car. He is kenneled whenever we travel now and we make sure to put lots of blankets for him to nest in. We recently switched from xanax to trazodone at the recommendation of a specialist vet we saw for some surgery and there are times when he actually puts himself into the car. He will also take a treat from us while in the car which he hadn't done before. I take that as non-verbal communication that it actually helps.


That is an awfully long story to say that whatever drug or non-drug you choose, make sure that you can travel safely. Understand that a dog who is a little nervous on short trips can really get worked up on longer trips. Either get a crate as someone suggested or one of those barrier devices to keep him safely out of the front seat.

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Guest BrianRke

Try giving a bendryl 1 hour before or a Content Um and go for short rides, building up the time.


No matter what type of prescription sedation you use, it doesn't have the effect if calming your hound, only makin it exhibit fewer annoying symptoms. Many tranquilized dog's experience greater anxiety, not less and it takes a mental and physical toll.

Im glad you mentioned this. Im my post, I forgot to say that when I give them ACE for a long road trip, its not due to anxiety or fear. I give them the half dose of ACE so they wont be so wild during the drive. They tend to step on each other and get snarky when confined to the back of the SUV. It allows me to pay attention to the road and keeps everyone safe.


Like you said, I wouldnt use ACE for anxiety.

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

What about blocking off all the windows so your hound cant see out? Basically turn the back of the vehicle into a kennel? Just a thought, you could try this out before you go on your trip. Block off all the windows, put up a blanket between you and the back seat and take them for a 30 minute drive and see how it works. If you have a mirror on each side of the vehicle you are still legal to drive if you are worried about not being able to see out the back of the car.



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Guest zombrie

When we went to GIG (7 and a half hours each way) we were terrified for Mira. She has always been stressy in the car, but never as bad as she was on that trip. We were seriously concerned for her health because she was THAT stressed. It was truly very scary for us, we thought she was going to have a heart attack.


For Dewey (8 hours each way) we went the meds route because we don't want to experience that ever again. We gave her 1 tab of valium and 1/2 tab of Ace. It did the trick and she was peaceful but she was really out of it. It was worth it though.

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Wow, I want to thank you all for the many suggestions for traveling with Penny. I've gone on long hauls for many adoptive dogs and none of my others have

as much trouble like she has. We go to parks frequently since I retired recently and she just never gets accutomed to the ride. She's a hogh energy and anxious girl- whines to go outside, come in ,never barks, etc. But then she is never afraid at the vet & is very cooperative with even painful proceedures Actually I've just listed my house & will be moving about 400 mi away when (& if ) it sells, so that will be when we take the long ride. She has never been crated since I got her 4 yrs ago. My other girl travels like a dream- just lays down on the back bed & sleeps.

I like the comment that I probably need the sedation more than she does :P HA! So, I'll just try going on increasingly longer rides to see if she gets more used to it and if she will finally just lie down & sleep when she gets tired of it. Benadryl was not helpful. I'll try Melatonin next and maybe ask the Vet about Xanax to try. I have an Element, but it will be pretty full with 2 greys & a cat in a carrier, probably up front next to me.

Thanx again- I know it will work out- just want to make it as easy as possible for ALL of us !


Oh- and I have a heavy screen with padding on top to keep the dogs in the back of the car, too.

I'm determined that this will work oout and no doubt will have a lot of time to work on it before I move !

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I'd try melatonin first, then Dramamine. If those don't help, get a script for Xanax :nod



She is always excited to get in the car and jumps right in. I really think she is mostly excited when the car is moving.

She doesn't have any storm phobias, separation anxiety. She has always been high energy and more excitable than actually afraid, I think.

THanks for the help

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