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Corn Cream From Murray Ave Apothecary


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My wife and I are treating Maya (8 year old brindle) with the corn creams from Murray Avenue Apothecary. It consists of A) hyaluronic acid serum (which hydrates the affected area) [this step includes rubbing the serum in, placing baggies on her feet, and securing the baggies with Therapaw boots for 20 minutes], and B) corn/callus cream [same procedure as above].


We have noticed that Maya's corns are definitely showing the effects of using this serum and cream. The corns don't grow as quickly. For most of the corns, it seems to stunt the growth altogether.


So I'm wondering about having a vet hull the corn from her foot and then applying the serum in the hole where the corn was. Perhaps this would stop the corns from growing back at all!?!? Would this be safe to do? Would it be putting a cream on, in essence, an open wound? What could be the problems?


The reason I ask is because Maya will be going in for a dental cleaning in December. She'll be put under for the procedure… so there'd be no better time to hull a corn than when she's already knocked out for a different procedure.


What are GT's thoughts?



Gwen (07/2003-11/2009),  * Maya (cancer , 06/2003-10/2013), *Ollie (cancer 07/2013 - 10/2018), *Azalea (cancer, 7/6/2015 - 5/20/2019), Ashe (cancer 04/2011 - 03/2020)

*Aztec (sister of Inca, 12/1996-08/2011), *Inca (half-Siamese kitty ,12/1996 - 9/2016)



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Hulling isn't really an invasive procedure - there isn't much of a wound, maybe a little speck of blood which is the lifeblood of these horrible little suckers. angryfire.gif I do it myself so it isn't as deep as the vet is able to go but I don't worry about putting the HLA/cream on it. Also figure it allows the stuff to penetrate easier.


I've been using Glad Press n Seal wrap instead of the baggie/therapaw. I soften the pads with wet paper towel, apply wrap & wait, then the HLA serum, put wrap back on & wait & finally the corn cream, wrap back on & wait. I do it after he eats & retires to his couch to digest rolleyes.gif twice a day, for a month so far. It certainly does soften the pads enough to hull the corns out a lot easier. I hope Conor has the same experience as Adrienne's Chevy, whose corn fell out after 6 months of this.


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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