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Dog On Dog Aggression

Guest Dragon

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To the op. check out how the lexus project was started.





ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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Well isn't this forum just a breath of fresh air! I only ever hear good things about greys and I was willing to believe all greys were perfect until...my new adoption came along from Rescue. She is very good with my other dogs. She is not food aggressive, bed aggressive or toy aggressive but she is not what I wanted...


She has an on-lead aggression issue. She barks, growls and lunges at dogs behind fences, walking ahead of us or across the road. And a cat once. And some species of birds.


She is perfectly fine with dogs down the park or at obedience class and shows no aggressive body language in those situations, actively avoiding the reactive dogs. When some greys started chasing a small dog, she peeled off and stopped playing.


She is six and the behaviourist tells me it could take months or years to cure. I just wanted a dog I could walk quietly and calmly with the others, like my previous grey.


She is also a very active, high-energy hound who turn the house upside down in her play (at least by comparison with my other grey, now deceased). I had sought a quiet older dog. I get home from work and something is torn up ... I try very hard to put everything out of reach. There may be some separation anxiety issues but I am doing all the stuff the trainers tell you to (not make a fuss at coming or going, leave for very short periods and return etc) NILIF... She is also a whiner although I try to ignore that I feel it might be a personality indication - does it mean she is highly strung?


I see no-one has really suggested a solution. For what it is worth, the behaviourist told me to keep her away from reinforcing the behaviour by avoiding other dogs in the street (if possible) for 6 weeks. Take her and expose her to plenty of dogs down the park - hers is clearly a frustration problem but could lead to redirected aggression ie when he finally meets the dog in the distance or the dog may have a go because of her behaviour.


I am so embarrassed when she carried on in the street and the other dog owners literally run for cover. The rescue group did not realise this when they placed her. She has also had minor seizures so there is little or no chance of her being placed if I returned her but now I am fond of her anyway. Sorry but this has been cathartic! I feel too embarrassed to talk about it and cannot tell my mom but with her behaviour I don't feel I can ever leave her with anyone or ever go away for a holiday again - maybe kennels.


Yes, it would be great if you could start a new thread with your topic--my dog is an embarrassing maniac on leash, too, and fine otherwise. I would love to hear comments, too.

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Guest FawnFan

Here's a suggested solution for the barking problem. It is by the late Kathleen Gilley (of the Singing and Dancing Greyhound Group and directly from her website.) I've only copied and pasted portions of the report.



URL: http://dancinggreyhound.com/no_fear_no_pain




by K.L. Gilley - delivered in Council Bluffs, Iowa on 10 Oct 98


Here are some methods for handling the common problems of jumping up, nipping, counter surfing, moving over when asked, getting on furniture you don't want him to, begging at the table, barking, roughhousing, harassing the cat, or eating your rhododendron. There are two important things you must remember when teaching a Greyhound to--or not to do something: You must respect his intelligence enough to believe he can learn, or cease and desist, and more importantly, you or his owner, must be smarter than he is.


There are things these methods have in common:


1. They are inexpensive. Have plenty of them around, located in strategic places.


2. They should solve the problem after no more than six applications. If they don't, someone is using it incorrectly or it is not the appropriate tool for this Greyhound.


There are several that are silent. You should be too. That means, don't say a word, just DO IT!




To make an average shake can, dig a soda or beer container out of the garbage without the neighbors seeing you. Put a couple of rocks in it and tape it shut. To make a super shaker, find an old-fashioned tin can, like soups and fruit juices come in. Wait until your husband or son is working on his (not your) car, snowmobile, motorbike or lawn mower. Quietly help yourself to five or so nuts, bolts or washers. If you get caught, use ten pennies. The can is to be shaken at or behind a miscreant three times in rapid succession. The best timing is two seconds before he mugs your mother-in-law.


If he intends to give you a big wet or muddy hug, start shaking your weapon when he is no closer than six feet and do not stop until he does. If he decides the next person in sight will become the object of his affection, shake the can behind him before he gets his front feet air born. He will turn and look at you and you will praise him. Should he decide to continue where he left off, repeat your performance. He will get the picture in a maximum of three times or you will need to change your choice of tools.


One whack of the can on the top of his crate usually insures instant silence. Two whacks on the cutting board mean your Greyhound wont need rhinoplasty. Three shakes at he who thinks you are the one who should sleep or sit on the floor will end the discussion immediately and without a growl or hiss. The shake can is truly the method of choice in a situation where there is any chance of an aggressive reaction.


The drawback of the shake can is that it may be too loud for a sound-sensitive dog. Fear not. A softer sound can be arranged. Instead of a can, dig through the garbage (again) for that small, plastic container that held margarine, cream cheese or chip dip. Please wash it before proceeding. Add one hand full of unpopped popcorn kernels and some tape to keep the lid in place.


Shake cans should be liberally placed around the house to defend guests, peanut butter sandwiches, potted plants, or your laundry from being sorted in an unauthorized manner.


Again, this is an excellent choice for teaching car manners. He will stay out of your lap, in the back seat, or off the dashboard. Dont be yelling; there is enough noise already. He may also cease yelping, whining and pacing in the car.


Both the shake can and the squirt bottle (i.e., a clean sun tan lotion container of water) can be tucked in your hip pack and used as a defensive weapon to protect your prized possession from the neighborhood bully.



And I know this particular "solution" works. Someone from our group had a male who would go into barking overdrive whenever he was out on walks on leash or in the car and saw another dog. The owner took an empty Altoids can and placed 4 or 5 pennies in it and sealed it shut. She did exactly what Kathleen suggested above when the behavior would start. It took maybe 3 or 4 times before her dog just stopped barking and carrying on altogether. She said now just picking up the can is enough to make him stop in his tracks. She was amazed and frankly I was amazed too as I had seen the embarrassing behavior first hand. And it also amazing because Kathleen's suggestion is so rather simple and uncomplicated (imho.)


Good luck!

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