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Help ... My New Grey Won't Allow Me To Put Any Type Of Sweater On

Guest Apollo_Dog

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BTW, for those knocking the way Swifthounds words her replies......I find something of merit in just about everything she posts. Perhaps her delivery is a bit more direct than some are accustomed to and there might be a patronizing air that offend the more tender folks. However, she is also right most of the time and I value that.

The message is utterly lost (right or not) when the delivery sucks. But she's been told that time and time again, I doubt anything will change. People need to learn to just ignore posts from certain members, it's better for your health...


Meh, Just speaking for myself here but the method of delivery comes second to the actual message itself, if the message is valid and worth taking into account. I do agree though that if a certain poster annoys someone to the point that they are too distracted to hear the message, they are better off just ignoring it and moving on.

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Guest Audeamus

Where Gir and I live, it's preferrential that he wears a coat in our winters. Weight wise, he's normally running a little slender (for lack of a better word) and he does shiver when it gets cold for him. We live in an apartment where he has to be leash walked, so like it or not he's going to need a coat. A few years ago we did part of a winter coat free but it was too cold for him; he didn't stay out longer enough to go to the bathroom as much he needed to.

Our winters are about -20 to -30 celuis on average, when we lived in GP it was a little colder but it also warmed up faster. At around -15 C is when I start putting a coat on him. At first he didn't like his coats, but you know he learned how to deal with them when he realized that he would be much colder and uncomfortable if he didn't wear it.

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As other say, there could be a multitude of reasons for her not liking things on her back or things going over her head. When she's lying down can you put items on her (light items, like a pillowcase or sheet or something) or does that make her frightened or upset? It could be she just doesn't feel right about it and may never like it. How is she about putting her collar over her head? Is she head-shy too?


Our Monty likes his jacket, and needs it because he's a chill-bug, but he also gets all itchy because I think it rubs his fur funny and tickles him. He stops on walks and shakes a lot, and while we're walking he'll do a weird staring-into-space head up and stretched out with a kind of arched back and he starts swinging his back end toward whoever is walking him. Sometimes walking nearly sideways and pushing you hard toward - or off - the edge of the sidewalk. It means he wants his back itched and if you rub his back he gets this dopey, "I'm in heaven" look on his face and his bouncing step gets even bouncier. Then his speed kicks up and it feels like you're walking a dog on a pogo stick.

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