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Drinking Pool Water?

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Our 2 year old male, that we've had for 6 weeks now, seems to prefer the swimming pool water to the spring water in his water bowls (one inside, one outside). I've talked to the pool company, and they said there's nothing harmful in it. I'm just concerned as it's a salt pool, and the water definitely tastes salty, not as strong as the ocean, but salty. I certainly wouldn't drink it. I'm concerned with long term effects, as he drinks quite a bit at a time. It doesn't seem to bother his digestion. I really don't put many chemicals in the pool, the chlorine is sodium chloride (salt) and occasionally I put some muriatic acid in to bring the PH down. Our last grey never went near the pool, so it wasn't an issue. I don't want to discourage him from drinking water, but I also don't want him drinking something harmful. Does anyone have any info on this? Oh yeah, we live in southern Florida, so the pool is never covered.

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Guest sirsmom

I would think an occasional drink would not hurt but on a day to day basis might with all the sodium (don't know about Muriatic Acid but it is a chemical)

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Congratulations on your new boy! :)


Thank you for asking this good question that may help others too.


Unfortunately, salt toxicity is very dangerous to dogs, including death. Pool chemicals are not any safer. I believe this water intake habit will shorten your hound's life. I would encourage you to keep your hound away from the pool completely, unless you are there to supervise and prevent your hound from drinking pool water. Possibly fence off a separate and shaded space for your boy during his brief times when he is outside. (A couple of free-standing 4' tall exercise pens to create a U-shape using the side of the house or fence could help as a temporary solution.)


(BTW, I understand you had a Greyhound before (I'm sorry for your loss). This comment is for readers new to Greys: Greyhounds (being short sprinters) are not strong swimmers, and don't have enough body fat to float. If they fall in water over their heads, they often panic and forget where stairs are located. Like small children, they can drown very quickly.)


ASPCA's link is a good list of poisonous foods, and plants for pets:


Edited by 3greytjoys
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Thanks 3greytjoys! We'll have to line up some chairs to keep him from getting to the pool. It's screened in, but he walks by it to get to the back yard. He's never in the pool cage without one of us. Now I've got to figure out how to keep him from drinking from the fountain in the front yard. It's the perfect height for him, but has bleach in the water to keep it from turning green. I can't believe he would rather drink these vile liquids instead of nice clean water.

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Thanks 3greytjoys! We'll have to line up some chairs to keep him from getting to the pool. It's screened in, but he walks by it to get to the back yard. He's never in the pool cage without one of us. Now I've got to figure out how to keep him from drinking from the fountain in the front yard. It's the perfect height for him, but has bleach in the water to keep it from turning green. I can't believe he would rather drink these vile liquids instead of nice clean water.


Glad you have a pool cage. That helps.


These young hounds are so curious and get into all sorts of things they shouldn't. They are like 2 year old toddlers. We have several water features and ended up fencing them off so the hounds can't get to them. We decided it was better safe than sorry for these precious hounds.

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