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A Chew That Will Last

Guest BlackandTan

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Below is where I got mine. But first we bought a chunk from the pet store. It was more expensive than these, not big enough so I worried Kev might try to swallow (but it was the biggest that company made) and it stunk. So we ordered these and they've worked out really well. I asked for large ones with minimal branching (small side branches). I emailed with questions and they had recommendations based on the way Kev chewed and his size and breed. And no stink! I hate stink and am pretty darn sensitive when it comes to smells.




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Kevin resource guarded when we first got him (toys). Thankfully the folks on GT really helped.


You need to actively work on trading-up with him. Do a couple of short sessions at least twice a day (it didn't take Kevin long to catch-on). Past threads have specific instructions. It's good that he growled (warned) and did not snap. He needs to learn that it's good for you to take things from him because he gets even better things.


Also, do you do training with him? What commands does he know? Practice NILIF (nothing in life is free- threads out there for that too). If he knows sit or down, have him sit/down for the bully, for his dinner, for walks, for toys, etc. Making him earn things can really help. If he eats kibble, use his food for training and that way he will be earning it and be hand-fed by you (and your wife). Both of you need to work with him on trading-up and NILF and he will likely become more settled, confident, and stop any snarly behavior. Good luck!


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Guest greytmomof4

Thanks to this post :thumbs-up...I bought Elk Antlers and Bully sticks for my greys and my foster boy and they are a big big hit. :yay My foster is an agressive chewer and I needed something healthy for him to chew on.



Thank you from:


greytmomof4...Hattie, Poey, Mocha, Julia and our sweet foster boy Bart :yay

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Thanks to this post :thumbs-up...I bought Elk Antlers and Bully sticks for my greys and my foster boy and they are a big big hit. :yay My foster is an agressive chewer and I needed something healthy for him to chew on.



Thank you from:


greytmomof4...Hattie, Poey, Mocha, Julia and our sweet foster boy Bart :yay


So happy to hear it. It is such a relief when you find something that works!


I see you're pretty new (I guess I am too), but welcome to greytalk.


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Guest BrindleBoy

Indy FINALLY started chewing antlers, but only the ones that are cut in half, exposing the marrow, and then only after we soak them in chicken broth. At first he's all over it, but then after getting some marrow out of both ends, seems to dull on the idea. It just sits on the floor, he takes a chew or 2 once in awhile, but no more serious working on it. Same for the knuckle bone. CRAZY loved it the 1st day we gave it to him, liked it the 2nd day we gave it to him, thought it was OK the 3rd day... maybe he's just not a chewer. He doesn't chew on anything in the house (shoes, furniture, etc). We were just trying to give him the opportunity to get out excess energy on days when he couldn't be walked as much due to rain or schedules. Maybe he just doesn't need to chew as much as we think?

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I cannot recommend deer antlers highly enough -- and as an added bonus, they will keep your grey's teeth sparkling white.


Here are two websites I purchase from:




They offer both "regular" antlers and the "sliced" antlers, which have the marrow exposed. The sliced antlers will not last as long (especially if you have an avid chewer!) but some dogs like them better.




You can actually choose the shape of the antler on this site (such as longer and narrower, shorter and thicker, branched, etc) which is nice if you have a preference. I like to get the branched, because it gives my girl several different "spots" to chew on.


Hope this helps!



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Below is where I got mine. But first we bought a chunk from the pet store. It was more expensive than these, not big enough so I worried Kev might try to swallow (but it was the biggest that company made) and it stunk. So we ordered these and they've worked out really well. I asked for large ones with minimal branching (small side branches). I emailed with questions and they had recommendations based on the way Kev chewed and his size and breed. And no stink! I hate stink and am pretty darn sensitive when it comes to smells.





OMG! has anyone read the questions/answer section of their site! I laughed so hard I almost peed myself! :lol:lol:lol

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Below is where I got mine. But first we bought a chunk from the pet store. It was more expensive than these, not big enough so I worried Kev might try to swallow (but it was the biggest that company made) and it stunk. So we ordered these and they've worked out really well. I asked for large ones with minimal branching (small side branches). I emailed with questions and they had recommendations based on the way Kev chewed and his size and breed. And no stink! I hate stink and am pretty darn sensitive when it comes to smells.





OMG! has anyone read the questions/answer section of their site! I laughed so hard I almost peed myself! :lol:lol:lol


It was part of the reason i ordered from them!


BTW- got an email today from Best Bully Sticks. They are having a 12% off sale.


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Agreed! Will definitely keep their site bookmarked for later ordering. Still trying to get everyone used to bully sticks, next will be antlers.

"Are deer antlers 100% safe?"No. There is always the risk of stepping on one when you make that late-night bathroom run. Nothing is 100% safe. lol.gif

Below is where I got mine. But first we bought a chunk from the pet store. It was more expensive than these, not big enough so I worried Kev might try to swallow (but it was the biggest that company made) and it stunk. So we ordered these and they've worked out really well. I asked for large ones with minimal branching (small side branches). I emailed with questions and they had recommendations based on the way Kev chewed and his size and breed. And no stink! I hate stink and am pretty darn sensitive when it comes to smells.





OMG! has anyone read the questions/answer section of their site! I laughed so hard I almost peed myself! :lol:lol:lol

Jody, Leah & Jimmie
You left us much, much too soon Lima & Chip :brokenheart

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This one is my favorite from the FAQ from deerantlersfor pups.com:

"When you ship the antler, please make sure not to put “deer antler” on the box. I want it to be a surprise for my dog.Not a problem. Just an FYI, though—most dogs smell better than they read."




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Guest itsagreytlife

I'm guessing antlers are considered venison, right? So if a dog has trouble with beef (allergy), would the antlers be a good substitute? I am thinking ahead in case my grey has problems when I reintroduce the bully sticks (she loves them!). Like a lot of chews, should you always supervise with the antlers (I know every company says that for CYA purposes, but bully sticks seem to be ok)?

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Our largest veterinary 24/7 emergency hospital (complete with the most highly respected "board certified surgeons") used to sell Bully Sticks, but they pulled them from their shelves and no longer carry them due to dangerous and excessive dog chokings and internal damage.


Personally, we've had excellent experiences for many years with "Durachew" hard chews (made by Nylabone). The hard Durachew bones seem to be one of the safer chews to offer. Durachews help keep teeth cleaner, and help relieve boredom. (I do not recommend the softer, flexible Nylabones which can break off in chunks larger than a grain of rice causing internal damage.)

Greyhounds seem to do well with the large "souper" size hard Durachew. They come in bacon, chicken or liver flavors. (The "original" is no flavor which is less enticing to the hounds.) If a typical chewer hound isn't interested in the flavored Durachew bones immediately, give the hound more time with the bone, it might take a while for them to pick up the bones to begin chewing. Smearing peanut butter on the bone can help increase their interest and teach them that it's okay to chew.


Here is a shape most hounds enjoy. The hounds usually chew the ends, and this slightly flatter shape is more comfortable (than the giant, round monster ends) for Greyhounds to fit their molars around to chew. Durachews last a long, long time. http://www.entirelypets.com/durachewplussouper.html

Good luck with whatever you decide.

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Guest verthib

I have giving my big guy a few different items to chew on, some of which I wish I did more research on before I had done so.

Anyways the only thing that I have given him that he didnt eat in 5 minutes was a Ham Bone but from what I have read it seems people dont suggest them. I tried and edible Nylabone-gone in 10 minutes, another bone that said long lasting 15 minutes. I need to find something safe and healthy for him otherwise he chews on the first thing he sees.... HELP PLEASE LOL :crazy


Antlers are safe, don't split or splinter and only wear down with little shavings...it looks like powder. They last a LONG time. Get a large one if your dog is large so they don't choke on it though.

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