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Diarrhea + Vomitting

Guest greybengal

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Guest greybengal

I don't come to this site often, but I should, always good info and concerned advice from everyone.


This is kind of a timeline of what's been going on.


My 6 yr. old GH, always a good(and fast!) eater, refused to eat his breakfast(kibble) for the first time ever since we've had him, almost 2 years now. That was last Saturday morning. Later around noon he did eat a little bit of kibble, maybe half amount. He also ate dinner that night and his usual couple of biscuits in the evening. That night he had super bad gas, a different smell then what is "normal" for him.


Sunday morning he didn't want to eat again, except for maybe a little rice. Had the gas most of the day/night and didn't want to eat dinner.


Monday morning he ate his usual size breakfast. Later in the afternoon he was throwing up bile (which he'll do on occasion when he's hungry). Also, his gas was gone by this time, based on no smell in the house when I got home from work at 3pm. Monday evening he didn't want to eat or hardly drink, but he did drink some water later that evening. At around 1:30am I heard him go out the doggy door, to see that later the next morning he had super runny diarrhea, like I've never seen from him. Kind of a dark brownish color (it appeared, but was there awhile).


Tuesday morning he didn't want to eat. (made appt. at vet later in afternoon) Then I fed him a piece of wheat toast which he ate( he loves toast!). The kibble that I tried to feed him in the morning was still in his bowl so I grabbed a few kibble and he ate it, then a handful, he ate it...about 3 handfuls total. Couple hours later, and this may have been a mistake, I gave him some left over brown/white rice, (about 2 cups cooked) which he ate all of. Then a bit later he had the diarrhea again. I was in the back at the time and noticed it was pretty much pure liquid, kind of a brownish/clay color..hard to tell.

He'd been drinking the usual water throughout the day. I fed him another piece of toast, which he gladly ate. About 30 mins later he's walking down the hallway, stops, and vomits a huge amount on the carpet! Looked like it wasn't digested much...kibble/rice + yellowy bile. The he was still retching, so I got him outside just in time to watch him throw up another large amount(same mixture) Later I gave him water, which he held down.


Now waiting to see the vet in 45 mins.


Not until about Sunday he started to seem kind of listless and wanting to be alone, going off to the bedroom to rest/sleep. I did walk him Monday night though, and he was his spry self...but still no appetite after the walk.


Best guess is he ate something out in the backyard. I noticed part of an avocado(pit still in it) when I was out there Monday after work(though his symptoms started well before it was there. Also, he's eaten them before I'm sure, he tried to carry one right past me through the doggie door once! The squirrels will drop them when carrying them across the telephone lines from a neighbors tree.


I apologize for the length of this!

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Guest greybengal

Avocado is poisonous to dogs, so that could be the problem.



There's a lot of discussion on that, whether they are or not. I've heard of dogs eating them all there lives, and others it causing fatal consequences.


Like I said, he's eaten them before with no reaction, but I'm not ruling it out. Plus, the avocado was there after the symptoms began and not much of it was eaten, what was, was probably from the squirrel that dropped it.


The vet gave him a sub cutaneous electrolyte injection, even though he has been drinking water, plus some Flagyl for the diarrhea. =$149



When we got home from the vet, he drank a good amount of water, ate a couple biscuits and a piece of banana, now resting. Was told I could feed him later on tonight, see if he keeps it down. We'll see.....

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Guest DylanGospel

Just a random thought, but...keep a look-out for something that looks like small pieces of rice in his stool or on his bedding. Tapeworm doesn't show up in a fecal and can cause some strange reactions.

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Guest greybengal

Just a random thought, but...keep a look-out for something that looks like small pieces of rice in his stool or on his bedding. Tapeworm doesn't show up in a fecal and can cause some strange reactions.


Will do. He ate pretty good last night, kibble with a little natto mixed in, not his regular amount though, but didn't throw up either, which I think is a good sign. Was excited about going for his usual evening walk and ate a couple biscuits that night. This morning he didn't feel like eating his regular kibble but my wife made some quinoa with natto and he gobbled it up. His poo was still runny this morning but not nearly as watery as yesterday. Gave him his second dose of the Flagyl this morning also.

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