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Bleeding After Dental

Guest peacehound

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Guest peacehound

Peace had a dental today, they had to pull one of her large teeth in back with four roots..she is bleeding, has been since about 4PM. She is resting comfortably, anyone any thoughts anyone on how long this will last? have called the vet and was told she may even bleed out of her nose tonight..so scary..dental to help the poor thing and this. augh

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One of my senior fosters had 26 teeth pulled, as I recall most of her bleeding subsided within 1-2 days. Spotty blood with head shaking a little longer. Keeping her quiet in a crate helped. Most other single extractions here have subsided in 1 day. Massive amounts of continuous blood from 1 tooth removal would alert me to call a vet.



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Guest peacehound

she had two teeth pulled this time, this is her fourth dental since I adopted her three years ago...she just has terrible teeth no matter how much I brush and clean..anyways, one of the teeth pulled today actually had exposed roots and must of hurt her..makes me feel terrible, trying to do things to help her and seeing her suffer..she is sleeping now, the bleeding has slowed a good bit..she did just eat a half cup of mushed rice and strained chicken so at least her appetite is good

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