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Accidents In The House

Guest dragontearz

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Guest dragontearz

Well, I came home after my class and watched the video-from when I left until I got home was three hours today, and I gave him the Kong filled with kibble and topped with peanut butter, then left. He would do periodic episodes of standing at the either the front door, or in front of the couch looking out the gap in the curtains and whining/barking whenever he heard a sound. On our street, people are always walking and driving by, and our street is a through-street between two larger and busier roads, and there is a school 200 feet to the side of us to boot. In between barking and rooing episodes( we have a natural rooer on our hands here!) he went and laid either on the floor watching the front door and napped,or went into the crate that is in the bedroom and napped there for about 10 to 15 minutes each time.


There was no pee, no poop, and nothing was chewed or destroyed! I came home, ignored him for a minute until he started dancing and I couldn't tell if it was a happy dance or "I gotta POO" dance, so we went outside where he ran furiously back and forth, barely dodging and missing me every pass-the yard is getting aerated for sure this year!


I was worried I'd come home to a mess, and seeing as he likes the crate but locking him in it stresses him, I decided to leave it set up with the door wide open, put his water bowl and Kong in it, and let him enter and leave it on his own accord.

Edited by dragontearz
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Yay. Baby Steps!


Frozen Kong with the Kong stuffing works well in our house, I'd imagine so would stuffing it full of peanut butter and kibble. Keeps him so busy! I even stuffed the Kong with the pieces that are "special" for the Kong. Those are annoying and Ryder's loses interest cause he just can't get it. At least the stuffing he can lick to his hearts content.


I also bought a "food ball" to keep Ryder busy. Fill it will kibble and let him roll it and figure out kibble falls out of it and he can eat it. This keeps him busy too, but also creates a fixation for him.....he ends up scouring the whole house for more kibble on the floor....plus it can get lost under furniture and then he's got nothing. We only use that when we are home for those reasons....but if you could keep the food ball in one area accessible, it'd be awesome.


Keep up the good work.

Proudly owned by:
10 year old "Ryder" CR Redman Gotcha May 2010
12.5 year old Angel "Kasey" Goodbye Kasey Gotcha July 2005-Aug 1, 2015

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Guest dragontearz

Well, the accidents in the house have come to an end so far-perhaps it had something to do with the food and loose stool problem that has been rectified, maybe not-either way, while he still whines a bit after he realizes we are not home(after his Kong is emptied), he pretty much just settles down on his bed in the living room, or his crate in the bedroom and naps until we get home.

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Well, the accidents in the house have come to an end so far-perhaps it had something to do with the food and loose stool problem that has been rectified, maybe not-either way, while he still whines a bit after he realizes we are not home(after his Kong is emptied), he pretty much just settles down on his bed in the living room, or his crate in the bedroom and naps until we get home.



Yea!!! Atta boy, Oberon!!! Thanks for the great update!!! :colgate

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