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Seizure - Medical Issues - Any Input?

Guest bmmvargas

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Guest bmmvargas

Hi - I am new to your group and I am looking for some possible help... here is the story of Barbie my 12 year old greyhound. She has been in good health for most of her life... in November she started this gagging issue, which we brought her to the vet but got no answers.... it got worse and worse and I brought her in 2 weeks ago, it was very stressful on her and we did not know if she would make it.. she hates the vet - the vet thought maybe she had laryngeal paralysis but was not sure - also had infection in her gums which she started clindamiacin for - on day two she started vomiting a lot - some of which had some blood in it.. she has been having problems eating so has now been on strictly soft food... now on Friday - she got up and started to have a seizure - she froze up, was shaking panting and drooling, I called a vet nearby who does housecalls as I do not want to put her through the stress of going in again - he stated he was not sure what was going on - did some bloodwork - came back normal altho dehydration is starting to set in... and also noticed that she has now lost sight in her right eye from the episode. She has been off balance and sleeps a lot - she started vomiting again Friday night some of which looked like a blood clot - I have been feeding her baby food now and the vet gave her a pill to take to help the vomiting... it seems awhile after she eats and drinks she gets very anxious and burps and pants and drools.... she has not ate much not drank much I also noticed this morning it looks as if her lymph nodes on her neck under her jaw are quite swollen. I am not sure what to do and either is the vet - he mentioned a brain scan, xrays, etc... but all would mean bringing her in and it is too stressful for her... do any of you know what this could be? I hate not knowing what we are dealing with but also with her age and condition now cannot afford to do all the work up and put her through the stress... any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated....

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Guest Stripeyfan

Oh my goodness, how awful for you both. Could she have had a stroke? Not sure why she'd be vomiting blood though... Sending lots of good thoughts!

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Guest Energy11

I am sooo sorry you are going through this!


There is A LOT going on with this dog, and she does need to be seen and totally evaluated by a vet, and soon.


The vomiting blood isn't normal. The enlarged lymph glands are not normal (*could be causeing trouble with her swallowing), ... seizure like activity or stroke-like activitity not normal ... I am sure you know all of this.


I'd admit her into the vets (*please be SURE he/she is greyhound savvy), and go from there. I'd ask about the swollen lymph nodes, and have the vet check for swollen nodes in other places on her body. RE: the anxiety, I'd ask the vet for some Valium, so you can give this about 45 minutes ahead of time, to relax her at the vet.


There are too many things going on with your girl to figure it out from just one posting. Please do get her checked out, and go from there. The dehydration could be causing SOME of your problems, but not all. Good Luck and sending lots of prayers your way! Dee



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Guest bmmvargas

thanks it could be a stroke or a seizure - just looking online it seems all her symptoms were that of a seizure but they both seem similar... she does not have blood in all of her vomit just a couple times... but I am not sure if there is some clotting going on somewhere...

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Unfortunately seizure activity in a greyhound at the age of 12 who has no history of seizure activity isn't a good thing. You could have an MRI to see if she has a brain tumor but with all that is going on with her, I'd want to fix the eating problems first. I think an ultrasound of the belly would be a good idea, to see if there is anything amiss there and a check of the lymph nodes.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest Energy11

thanks it could be a stroke or a seizure - just looking online it seems all her symptoms were that of a seizure but they both seem similar... she does not have blood in all of her vomit just a couple times... but I am not sure if there is some clotting going on somewhere...

Seizures and strokes IN DOGS have similar symptoms ... trust me, I have two with histories of this. Strokes and seizures can come from UNDERLYING health issues, too. So, if your girl has a clotting problem, swollen lymph glands, etc., the seizure/stroke-like activities COULD be caused by this. Again, I'd have A COMPLETE physical, INCLUDING A FULL THYROID PANEL (*sent to Michigan State University) or Dr. Jean Dodds http://www.hemopet.org/. My Goldie had what they think were focal seizures, and she was very sick ... turned out to be her thyroid.


The ONLY way you will get to the bottom of all of these symptoms is testing, and again, just ask the vet for some Valium (**NOT Acepromizine ), and this will relax your girl for her vet visit. We have to give it to Cari before she is vetted, too.


Sending love, hugs and prayers!


Unfortunately seizure activity in a greyhound at the age of 12 who has no history of seizure activity isn't a good thing. You could have an MRI to see if she has a brain tumor but with all that is going on with her, I'd want to fix the eating problems first. I think an ultrasound of the belly would be a good idea, to see if there is anything amiss there and a check of the lymph nodes.



GREAT advice here, too! Enlarged lymph nodes can mean a bad infection, cancer and other things ... I also like the idea of the abdominal ultrasound. I, too, wouldn't do the brain scan (MRI). I had the chance to do this with Goldie, but also decided it would be too much for her, and I would not treat differently anyway.

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Guest bmmvargas

Thank you all for your responses...i really appreciate it! I will call the vet tomorrow and try to do the belly xray at least and see if I can get some valium prior... I will keep you posted!

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Guest Energy11

Thank you all for your responses...i really appreciate it! I will call the vet tomorrow and try to do the belly xray at least and see if I can get some valium prior... I will keep you posted!



Good Luck! Hope you get to the bottom of this soon!

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