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Best Tick Control

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Guest fringepup

Biting and sucking lice???????? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I have one question about Vectra, which I've never heard of but that doesn't mean anything... What is "other"???? Is it, like, water or some other kind of carrier fluid for the chemical ingredients? What if "other" is something weird or nasty? Why is it just called "other"????? Makes me think of those ingredients that say "may contain...".



I know, right? I didn't like the visual I got in my head when I read that!


As far as the "other" ingredients, I don't know. I am hesitant to open the package until I hear that others on this site have used it, liked it etc. I want to be able to return it if necessary. I am a little hesitant to just start using it. I trust our vet but this change I am not totally sold on. Willie has been fine with the Frontline so far, but we are just starting the season.

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Biting and sucking lice???????? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I have one question about Vectra, which I've never heard of but that doesn't mean anything... What is "other"???? Is it, like, water or some other kind of carrier fluid for the chemical ingredients? What if "other" is something weird or nasty? Why is it just called "other"????? Makes me think of those ingredients that say "may contain...".



I know, right? I didn't like the visual I got in my head when I read that!


As far as the "other" ingredients, I don't know. I am hesitant to open the package until I hear that others on this site have used it, liked it etc. I want to be able to return it if necessary. I am a little hesitant to just start using it. I trust our vet but this change I am not totally sold on. Willie has been fine with the Frontline so far, but we are just starting the season.


Hmmm.... Here's something I found...


Has anyone else besides me had the misfortune of having their vets ram this new junk down their throats? I called for Gracie's refill of Frontline last month. I was told they were only carrying this super-duper-new flea prevention stuff and that's all we could get. I wasn't too keen on changing to another brand because the Frontline has worked well and I'm not into using my dogs as guinea pigs for anything "new" like this. But I caved and tried it...... OMG, it's hideous! Stunk like crazy, I think it must have burned Gracie's skin because she jumped up when I applied it. It's greasy (left greasy marks on my pillow shams and sofa) and then after maybe a week, every spot I had applied it (three for Gracie) clumps of her hair started coming out.


The final insult was finding a TICK on her head!!! I was furious. I had already called the vet and told them not to EVER prescribe that junk again, but the tick was the final straw.


The ultimate irony was when I took Gracie in for her bath the day after we found the tick. I let the techs know about the tick and went off on Vectra again. Well, then it gets good: even a couple of the VET TECHS' had found ticks on their dogs, even in their ears. They also told me that the sales rep for the company that make this junk was coming out to talk to them because the vet techs and I weren't the only people that were calling the vet about that junk.


And this...


Oh holy lord, I'm a tech at an animal hospital in Warsaw In and I was just google-ing Vectra so I could start a complaint list for our clinic and saw your post. NO ONE likes Vectra there was a case near Columbia City that the dogs hair on its back all fell out and a rash occured poor babies. I'm sure that your doctor wasn't using you as a guinea pig, working at a hospital and knowing that the general public usually think that the veterinary field is "out to get them" kinda hurts when we are honestly looking out for your pets we work our butts off and try to help as much as possible and thanked by people thinking we're out to get them. This product was tested over a span of two years and was suppose to work well so technically your dog wasn't the guinea pig the poor dogs it was being tested on were. I'm sure what your dog suffered was mild to what those dogs went through. We started carrying it about four months ago, when doctors realize what its doing it will crash and won't be used anymore, if the doctor you go to keeps carrying it and doesn't realize what its doing thats his issue. For your poor babies sake I hope he starts carrying frontline. We're having the same complaints about it and I told our doctor so we're going to stop carrying it.


And one more for good measure...


I've heard varied responses to it. At least one man in my training club is using it on his Standard Poodle with no ill effects.


However, on other forums and at a club meeting I attended this week, I've heard reports of reactions ranging from skin reactions that look like chemical burns, nausea/vomiting, to a dog that is in the hospital because of a reaction to the neurotoxins.


To be fair, there are also lots of reported reactions to Frontline. But I don't know if I'd use this stuff just yet....


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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The problem is, garlic, brewers yeast, and "the immune system" don't do anything to protect your dog from tick attachment and feeding. Big myth there. If you live in an area with ticks, please protect your dog with proven products instead.


Once again Batmom, you say what I was thinking!


I did use K9 Advantix on George a few times before my vet told me it was too dangerous to use since I have cats. He was fine with it.


I use Frontline Plus, and he has never had a flea, nor has my previous dog. I've seen ticks walking on George, but in nearly four years, he's only had two embedded ticks. I think he just doesn't taste good to ticks!


We go to Nantucket--a hotbed of tick borne diseases. You have to use common sense and stay out of tall grasses, etc., and I always check him over every night. Anyone who doesn't have a tick comb should get one. Easiest way to find the little bastards!


Susan- We do the same thing when we go to Nantucket- Stay out of high grass. I check Maddie daily though when we are there. A few years ago, I thought she had a tick when we got back from our yearly trip up North, it would not come off, come to find out when we went to the vet the next day as it started bleeding it was a cyst.

Amy Human Mommy to fur baby Maddie (Doobiesaurus) TDI certified. May 5, 2002-September 12, 2014 and Mille (Mac's Bayou Baby)CGC, TDI certified.


http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj93/Chillyhorse/siggies/maddie.jpg"]http://i270. photobucket.com/albums/jj93/Chillyhorse/siggies/maddie.jpg[/img]

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Guest bethac

To OP Joan - I don't know where you are located, but I agree with you about this potentially being a bad year for ticks. We have three greys and we walk them a lot in our residential neighborhood (no tall grass here right now!) I discovered a tick on one of them yesterday after our morning walk. Even the vet was surprised - we're in northern OH and it's early for this. We typically treat from April through December.


This year we're starting early. We use Frontline Plus and all our greys are getting their first dose today. :thumbs-up

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Guest fringepup

Biting and sucking lice???????? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I have one question about Vectra, which I've never heard of but that doesn't mean anything... What is "other"???? Is it, like, water or some other kind of carrier fluid for the chemical ingredients? What if "other" is something weird or nasty? Why is it just called "other"????? Makes me think of those ingredients that say "may contain...".



I know, right? I didn't like the visual I got in my head when I read that!


As far as the "other" ingredients, I don't know. I am hesitant to open the package until I hear that others on this site have used it, liked it etc. I want to be able to return it if necessary. I am a little hesitant to just start using it. I trust our vet but this change I am not totally sold on. Willie has been fine with the Frontline so far, but we are just starting the season.


Hmmm.... Here's something I found...


Has anyone else besides me had the misfortune of having their vets ram this new junk down their throats? I called for Gracie's refill of Frontline last month. I was told they were only carrying this super-duper-new flea prevention stuff and that's all we could get. I wasn't too keen on changing to another brand because the Frontline has worked well and I'm not into using my dogs as guinea pigs for anything "new" like this. But I caved and tried it...... OMG, it's hideous! Stunk like crazy, I think it must have burned Gracie's skin because she jumped up when I applied it. It's greasy (left greasy marks on my pillow shams and sofa) and then after maybe a week, every spot I had applied it (three for Gracie) clumps of her hair started coming out.


The final insult was finding a TICK on her head!!! I was furious. I had already called the vet and told them not to EVER prescribe that junk again, but the tick was the final straw.


The ultimate irony was when I took Gracie in for her bath the day after we found the tick. I let the techs know about the tick and went off on Vectra again. Well, then it gets good: even a couple of the VET TECHS' had found ticks on their dogs, even in their ears. They also told me that the sales rep for the company that make this junk was coming out to talk to them because the vet techs and I weren't the only people that were calling the vet about that junk.


And this...


Oh holy lord, I'm a tech at an animal hospital in Warsaw In and I was just google-ing Vectra so I could start a complaint list for our clinic and saw your post. NO ONE likes Vectra there was a case near Columbia City that the dogs hair on its back all fell out and a rash occured poor babies. I'm sure that your doctor wasn't using you as a guinea pig, working at a hospital and knowing that the general public usually think that the veterinary field is "out to get them" kinda hurts when we are honestly looking out for your pets we work our butts off and try to help as much as possible and thanked by people thinking we're out to get them. This product was tested over a span of two years and was suppose to work well so technically your dog wasn't the guinea pig the poor dogs it was being tested on were. I'm sure what your dog suffered was mild to what those dogs went through. We started carrying it about four months ago, when doctors realize what its doing it will crash and won't be used anymore, if the doctor you go to keeps carrying it and doesn't realize what its doing thats his issue. For your poor babies sake I hope he starts carrying frontline. We're having the same complaints about it and I told our doctor so we're going to stop carrying it.


And one more for good measure...


I've heard varied responses to it. At least one man in my training club is using it on his Standard Poodle with no ill effects.


However, on other forums and at a club meeting I attended this week, I've heard reports of reactions ranging from skin reactions that look like chemical burns, nausea/vomiting, to a dog that is in the hospital because of a reaction to the neurotoxins.


To be fair, there are also lots of reported reactions to Frontline. But I don't know if I'd use this stuff just yet....


Thank you for the information! I will be seeing friends from our rescue group today and I will get their thoughts as well. But right now, I am thinking we will stay with Frontline Plus. I believe you don't need an RX for it anymore (at least around here), but I will be able to confirm that today. The doctor told me that there might be mild irritation on the first application but she felt he would be fine with it. I have read so much about greyhounds and their sensitivities before we found Willie and there is just something in my gut that says not to use Vectra. I don't mind spending the money at the vet once in a while (I understand that they need to make their money too) but I paid $60 for a three pack. That is wicked expensive!

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Guest IrskasMom

Frontline Plus :) In addition , I check my Morty every Day for Ticks in Summertime. That gives me enough Time to kiss and Hug him :kiss2

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Guest brit1

I don't use chemicals on my dogs, they are all dangerous and hard on the liver whether topical or not. We stay out of high grass and dead leaves when possible and my dogs wear the amberstone necklace (amberstonepets.com) plus I make a 8oz spray of 25 drops Rose Geranium (sometimes just labeled Geranium) bought from local hfs, a tsp of vodka (never use rubbing alcohol) to disperse the oil, fill up with distilled water and spritz on every morning (not near the necklace).For myself after a shower I put a drop or two in my hands, add unscented lotion and apply to prevent them getting on me and often rub it around the dogs face and ears too. For those of you into herbs you can take yarrow flower heads, cover with vodka in a mason jar and leave for at least a few weeks (can keep for months, I just make a fresh batch every year)and add a tsp of that to disperse the oils, yarrow is a bug repellant.

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Guest Kathy3

You do not need an RX for Frontline Plus. You can order 12 for 99.95 with free shipping until the end of the month using the coupn code DEAL at http://www.maakenterprises.com/category_s/1.htm


Sorry looks like the coupon codes expires today. But still I think the price for 12 would be 109.95 with free shipping at least until the end of the mont.

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