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Biceps Tenosynovitis

Guest UESBrindle

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Guest UESBrindle

I'm not really looking for how to handle this at this point because I feel like we're taking all of the right steps here, but I was just curious if anyone else has ever dealt with this before?


I think I posted a while back but didn't have the exact name - I understood it like arthritis, but this seems different. The surgery liason pointed me to this link for a pretty good explanation.


So far William has had 2 sets of steroidal injections in both shoulders - one end of November, one mid-February. He did not seem to recover as fully after the second set, so now he's on 8 days of deramaxx and 2 weeks of strict rest and we'll see where we are after that. I am leaning towards managing it with meds for now to see how that goes and see what improvement comes. Trying to avoid surgery if possible.


Just polling for past/current experience!




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Guest Elaine

One of my dogs, Nampa, has this. I've been fighting it since May/June 2010. He had 2 cortisone injections in the shoulder and I've reduced his activity levels. Presently, he's not in any pain and that is what's important. However, I learned 2 weekends ago, the issue still exists and he's not sound enough for running. Unless that changes, he's retired from lure coursing and all other running activities. It's a bummer.


I will not do the surgery on Nampa unless he gets much, much worse.


Elaine @ DM Greyhounds


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