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Rash-Like Type Of Mark?

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Hello all- On our drive back home today from Thanksgiving at my grandma's house, I noticed some strange discoloration on the inside of Bernie's left thigh.


I felt it, and he did not seem to have any reaction (he didn't act like I was bothering him or hurting him when I touched it,) and it does not have any different texture than the rest of his leg. So, it's not bumpy, rough, raised, etc.


This developed just today because he did not have that on his leg this morning before we started our drive. We have not changed his food, treats, or water.


Bernie is my first Greyhound, and I've had him for about two months - so I'm not quite sure what to think!








Thank you in advance for any advice!

Lauren the Human, along with Justin the Human, Kay the Cat and Bernie the Greyhound! (Registered Barney Koppe, 10/30/2006)


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Guest NeroAmber

I'm sorry, I don't know for sure, but my girl, Amber gets them now and then and we think they're just a kind of graze/bruise under the skin- it always goes and doesn't hurt her, but she is a clumsy old thing, so we put it down to when she gets bumps and scrapes.


I hope you get a more informed answer soon!

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Guest LindsaySF

I've seen those pop up on my dogs from time to time. I usually assume it's an abrasion from rubbing on something, or maybe a reaction to a bug bite. It always goes away in a few days. :) I wouldn't worry unless it doesn't go away.

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Riley gets something similar when he chews at an itchy spot ... (like LindsaySF indicated, from a bug bite or something) ... its probably more noticeable because of Bernie's white skin, but I'd probably just watch it and if it looks like its spreading or getting worse (especially if its bothering Bernie) or continues for more than a week or so, I'd check it out a little further.


We'd like pictures of the rest of Bernie on your next post, btw ...

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