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Separation Anxiety?

Guest Touchdown

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Guest Touchdown

Hello everyone! I need some help and advice. My fiance and I just rescued Touchdown 11 days ago. We do not have any other pets. We got him home and tested him a little on leaving him for a few minutes....nothing too bad happened the first two days. We tried first to just baby gate him in the kitchen to keep him a little more confined until we could see how he would deal. He instantly started digging under the gate and pushing the gate completely in, so we let him roam free. By day two I had left him for one hour. I came back to him breaking the dining room blinds, breaking a foot and a half piece of wood off the door frame, biting the door handle and chewing up a rug. We called the head of the rescue association and were given a calming collar and meds. We decided on the amount of damage we had to kennel him. Since then he has escaped once....chewed up a paper towel roll (not too bad on what could have happened) and chewed the blanket to shreds that was protecting the carpet and also a rug. We now have sticky paper protecting the carpet underneath. He does not let either of us out of his sight. He whines and howls if either of us leave. Today I spent a couple hours putting him in his kennel and leaving for a few minutes and returning. I also sat by the door so he couldn't see me and kept jingling the keys...acting like I was leaving and didn't....cont for 30 min. I left for an hour and came back to him having saliva all over and bent the metal on the bottom by the door. I have had the toy with the treat hidden....he doesn't care...tried peanut butter...he doesn't like that. I gave him his favorite treat bone...didn't even eat that while I was gone.

Please help!

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I feel your pain. We just adopted Jeff about 2 weeks ago and went through a similar progression. He howls constantly while crated and we are gone. I set up our video camera to record what he did while we were out and for the 54 minutes of video 45 minutes was him howling away:(

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some greyhounds can NOT be only dogs. Some greyhounds do NOT do well in crates.


Please read my Greyhound Guide.Lots of good info - one thing being NEVER keep the blinds down. They want to look out windows. He needs bully sticks, rawhides, and LOTS OF EXERCISE. Particularly before you leave.


Please read the Separation Anxiety sectionof my LEARN area. You need to leave for only 5 minutes and return. Then up it to 10 minutes, etc. You need to not make a big deal when you leave. Very matter of fact. Reward for good behavior. Run the dog before you leave, and when you return. He'll start looking forward to you leaving so he can get exercise and time to bond with you.


Please call your adoption group and have them work with you more. I would suggest you get a greyhound to foster. I'd bet that will end all issues.

Claudia & Greyhound Gang
100% Helps Hounds

GIG Bound!

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Maddie did this when I first got her 5 years ago. She ate her way out of a plastic airline crate and 2 metal crates. She howled etc- I did the alone training etc, had a radio on, tv on etc. the dap diffuser. Nothing worked. I called the kennel and they told me to keep crating (umm- she ate her way out of 3 crates- not the answer- I want to hear)- I decided to take a leap of faith and let her out of the crate and let her roam the house- I closed off all the places I did not want her in by closing the doors and using baby gates. When i left I did not make a big deal and I put her muzzle on a few minutes before I left. I also used her muzzle so she could not destroy stuff. I talked to the vet and we decided to put her on clomicalm as well. And I kept working on alone training. I also tired her out. I chose doggie day care a few days a week (I know not everyone can do this) - she was exhausted after doggie day care- "A tired dog is a good dog" but A long walk before you go to work can help. I know it is hard. I have been through it. There were times I was in tears, but I put myself in her position, she was taken from her buddies and a place that she had known all her life and placed in a new situation and it is scary. And we worked through it. She still has a touch of SA but nothing like she had when i first got her. Little by Little everyday you will see personalities of your dog come out. HE will not be the same dog in 6 months. Have faith and take it one day at a time.

Amy Human Mommy to fur baby Maddie (Doobiesaurus) TDI certified. May 5, 2002-September 12, 2014 and Mille (Mac's Bayou Baby)CGC, TDI certified.


http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj93/Chillyhorse/siggies/maddie.jpg"]http://i270. photobucket.com/albums/jj93/Chillyhorse/siggies/maddie.jpg[/img]

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Hi Melissa! Wait.. I assume this is Melissa and not James... either way! Welcome to Greytalk! You guys are doing everything right.. it can take a long time.


Since he's continuing to bend the crate, you might want to consider NOT crating him anymore. He could severely injure himself. You might want to try shutting all doors to contain him in the living/kitchen area, and MUZZLING him. Most of what he's doing is chewing related. With the muzzle it will be MUCH more difficult for him to chew anything. That's half your battle right there.


Leave the TV or a radio on for him when you leave. It works very well for some greyhounds.. the background noise, music, voices. It's calming.


Make sure you take him on a good walk before you leave. Likewise make sure he's pooped and totally emptied his bladder.


Keep doing the alone training. Leave for 5 minutes, come back, another 5 minutes, come back. Etc etc.


Come get my muzzle! You may borrow Roscoe's just to see if it will even help. If it does, you can get a permanent one from Gay. Seriously- come get it. I'm in the opposite corner of the complex, apartment 2025. Besides going for a walk with the Idiot Twins, I'll be home all evening.


There are so many experienced people here on GT. I'll let them chime in. Keep up with it, you guys are doing good!




Lisa with Finnegan (Nina's Fire Fly) and Sage (Gil's Selma). Always missing Roscoe
www.popdogdesigns.net pop art prints, custom portraits and collars

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Guest Touchdown



Yeah, yesterday I took him on an extra long walk to tire him out to see if that would help...always having the tv on...gave him his fav snack...empty bladder and all. Process of elimination and what I tried this morning....he cannot handle not seeing me or James. This morning after walk...I fed him in the crate and for two hours walked around the apartment...letting him see me and then not. He cannot handle me being in another room without him. I would go back and sit until he calmed again and then left. Not boredom...he had toys and a great walk...

Lisa-- we will come by and grab that muzzle...I think you are right...he doesn't like that crate...he bent it so its hard to shut now. I was reading where a person also put the snow boots on her dogs feet so he couldn't scratch the frame of the door....if he scratches again I will try that.

Yeah...I will for sure leave the blinds open...I had the patio open not thinking the side one was an issue....now I know...

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Guest Touchdown

Hi Melissa! Wait.. I assume this is Melissa and not James... either way! Welcome to Greytalk! You guys are doing everything right.. it can take a long time.


Since he's continuing to bend the crate, you might want to consider NOT crating him anymore. He could severely injure himself. You might want to try shutting all doors to contain him in the living/kitchen area, and MUZZLING him. Most of what he's doing is chewing related. With the muzzle it will be MUCH more difficult for him to chew anything. That's half your battle right there.


Leave the TV or a radio on for him when you leave. It works very well for some greyhounds.. the background noise, music, voices. It's calming.


Make sure you take him on a good walk before you leave. Likewise make sure he's pooped and totally emptied his bladder.


Keep doing the alone training. Leave for 5 minutes, come back, another 5 minutes, come back. Etc etc.


Come get my muzzle! You may borrow Roscoe's just to see if it will even help. If it does, you can get a permanent one from Gay. Seriously- come get it. I'm in the opposite corner of the complex, apartment 2025. Besides going for a walk with the Idiot Twins, I'll be home all evening.


There are so many experienced people here on GT. I'll let them chime in. Keep up with it, you guys are doing good!







Hi Lisa!


Thanks for the muzzle. I tried yesterday with just having him run the living room...he scratched the door again. Today I am trying the muzzle. He likes his special toy he gets when I attempt at leaving. He still instantly goes nuts when I leave. I ignore him like I am supposed to..tv on...just been walked...special toy....muzzle on. (yesterday went in and out with no less anxiety) Going to do this for another hour...on and off into the apartment to see if it will get better.

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Good luck with the muzzle! Make sure it's adjusted properly.. you want it snug enough that he can't paw it off, but not so tight that his nose is pushed up against the front. Don't be surprised if he geeks out a little over the muzzle. My 2 think I'm crazy when I put theirs on and they spend a lot of time trying to get it off. Since Touchdown is fresh from the kennel, he should still be used to wearing it.


I wonder if baby socks would help with the scratching? Baby socks are a wonderful thing for dog's paws! I have several pairs. :lol Get the smallest size, pop them on his feet and use a little medical tape around the top so the sock won't come off. Then he can't do much damage with scratching.


Lisa with Finnegan (Nina's Fire Fly) and Sage (Gil's Selma). Always missing Roscoe
www.popdogdesigns.net pop art prints, custom portraits and collars

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Guest Touchdown

Good luck with the muzzle! Make sure it's adjusted properly.. you want it snug enough that he can't paw it off, but not so tight that his nose is pushed up against the front. Don't be surprised if he geeks out a little over the muzzle. My 2 think I'm crazy when I put theirs on and they spend a lot of time trying to get it off. Since Touchdown is fresh from the kennel, he should still be used to wearing it.


I wonder if baby socks would help with the scratching? Baby socks are a wonderful thing for dog's paws! I have several pairs. :lol Get the smallest size, pop them on his feet and use a little medical tape around the top so the sock won't come off. Then he can't do much damage with scratching.



OOOh, excellent idea! Baby socks and med tape....that should work : )


Thank you!

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If a dog doesn't like a crate, and is in danger of hurting themselves in it, then i would NEVER put that greyhound in a crate.


Again, as I mentioned in an earlier post, please contact your adoption group rep for help, and read about Separation Anxiety on my site. (when a line is underlined, it means you can click on it and go to more info)



I do have a holistic tincture on my site - Abandonment - that may help balance the dog's emotions. It's only $8.95, and easy to give. However, a dog who wants to be with other dogs won't be happy as on only dog, and neither will you.


This may not be the dog for you, if he needs another companion, and you can't have two greyhounds. It would be very easy to find this out, if your adoption rep brings over another, older, more stable hound who has been in a home, and he does fine when you leave.

Claudia & Greyhound Gang
100% Helps Hounds

GIG Bound!

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If a dog doesn't like a crate, and is in danger of hurting themselves in it, then i would NEVER put that greyhound in a crate.


Again, as I mentioned in an earlier post, please contact your adoption group rep for help, and read about Separation Anxiety on my site. (when a line is underlined, it means you can click on it and go to more info)



I do have a holistic tincture on my site - Abandonment - that may help balance the dog's emotions. It's only $8.95, and easy to give. However, a dog who wants to be with other dogs won't be happy as on only dog, and neither will you.


This may not be the dog for you, if he needs another companion, and you can't have two greyhounds. It would be very easy to find this out, if your adoption rep brings over another, older, more stable hound who has been in a home, and he does fine when you leave.


She has contacted the adoption rep, and I am also helping Melissa with the rep's knowledge.


I have already offered to let them borrow Roscoe to see if Touchdown needs another dog to be calmed, but they are not at that point yet.


Lisa with Finnegan (Nina's Fire Fly) and Sage (Gil's Selma). Always missing Roscoe
www.popdogdesigns.net pop art prints, custom portraits and collars

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Guest Touchdown

If a dog doesn't like a crate, and is in danger of hurting themselves in it, then i would NEVER put that greyhound in a crate.


Again, as I mentioned in an earlier post, please contact your adoption group rep for help, and read about Separation Anxiety on my site. (when a line is underlined, it means you can click on it and go to more info)



I do have a holistic tincture on my site - Abandonment - that may help balance the dog's emotions. It's only $8.95, and easy to give. However, a dog who wants to be with other dogs won't be happy as on only dog, and neither will you.


This may not be the dog for you, if he needs another companion, and you can't have two greyhounds. It would be very easy to find this out, if your adoption rep brings over another, older, more stable hound who has been in a home, and he does fine when you leave.


I have not crated him since he bent the front by the door of the crate. We were talking about him scratching the door of the apartment....he does this trying to get out...just like he pulls on the crate door and bottom of the crate. I did look at your link, thank you. He cannot handle being one second from me let alone uping minutes little by little of me leaving. Yes the adoption rep gave us the crate.

I am going to try one more technique and if that doesn't work try Lisa's Roscoe...if another dog is the answer.

Thanks for your help-- we shall see if the alone training works with a safe area.

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