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Bouncing Poo!

Guest BorzoiMom

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Guest BorzoiMom

I have finally switched him to only kibble with probios and melatonin mixed in after having several bouts of pure liquid big D. I was scared to death to even feed my dog for fear of food allergy being the culprit. As it stands we have discontinued any swimming because he scoops the water like a pelican (to quote a friend, perfect description!) while he swims. Unfortunately that was the only exercise he could get in this heat and he thoroughly enjoyed it :( . SO, I had tried to switch his food just in case it was food intolerance, but have decided it must be the swimming/ingesting the salt water and am now putting him back on his normal food. So far so good. :D


Please keep your fingers crossed for him. :)


Oh, this is how you deal with the big D with a fluff dog, lol, he was not impressed but even the clips stayed in for several days. :)



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