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Seasonal Utis

Guest HersheysMom

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Guest HersheysMom

Sonie has come down with another very bad UTI. She actually doesn't get these often, this is only her second one in the four years that we've had her. However, her last one was in August during another hot spell. I'm just wondering if anyone else notices them being more common during the summer months, moisture perhaps collecting and trapping bacteria, in females in particular.


I also will on occasion let her wade in lake or pond water, and both of these UTIs occurred within a week or so after such a trip in the water. I suspected this last time and now I will wipe her with a baby wipe after a trip in the water. However, I walk with a group and many dogs wade in the water and I've never heard of any of the others getting a UTI afterwards.


I'm starting to believe the hot weather theory myself.

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Guest Energy11

I would probably say, your theory is right. I haven't had any personal experience with this, nor have I seen it when working for the vet, but, I think it is VERY possible!

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