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Dogwalker Running W/ Italy

Guest SuperiorItaly

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Guest SuperiorItaly

Hello friends -


I was home yesterday when my walker came by and got to meet her. Totally nice which is good. She's a big runner though and ran from her place. She mentioned she runs with Italy in the park on the leash. Is this ok? I'd like to tell her that if it's above 85 degrees, that there should be no running and to limit the running to 10 mins max. Does that sound about right? Or should I tell her no running at all?




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Guest SuperiorItaly

Hello friends -


I was home yesterday when my walker came by and got to meet her. Totally nice which is good. She's a big runner though and ran from her place. She mentioned she runs with Italy in the park on the leash. Is this ok? I'd like to tell her that if it's above 85 degrees, that there should be no running and to limit the running to 10 mins max. Does that sound about right? Or should I tell her no running at all?





Good question, hot stuff. Actually just read the post on heat stroke. Maybe I should cut the running out unless it's 70 or below? She comes between 2-3 which is the peak heat period.

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I don't know the answer to your question, Adam, but some things occurred to me that would matter. Are you in a humid climate? Will your dog be coming back to air conditioning? Will your walker/runner be hanging out with Italy for a while after returning from the walk? Does she carry water on the walk that your dog can drink? What time of day does she take Italy out?


I don't know, but 85 sounds a little high for running. I don't run mine over 72 or so, but Seattle is humid and mine are ages 7 and 9. Hopefully, others will have good advice for you. GT is greyt for that colgate.gif


ETA: Even the running we do in the low 70's is brief wind sprints, less than a minute, then at least 5 minutes walking, and so on. And much depends on whether the sun is shining or it's overcast.

Edited by greyhead
Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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I'm a dog walker so I'll answer first as a dog walker then as a grey mom.


I would ask if there are restrictions she follows for running with dogs. Like what weather conditions she will or will not run them in, if she's built him up to a certain length of time, ground conditions and if she knows the signs of a dog having had enough.


As a mom, I would love if they ran a bit with Bu. I'm not a runner, so I would expect the dog walker to work up to a nice run over a few weeks or even months. I wouldn't want him to run in severe heat. I would also insist that if the walker was sort of pulling Bu along to immediately stop running and to walk with him. I would also want her to keep and eye on him to make sure there was no injury.


Good luck.

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Guest SuperiorItaly

I don't know the answer to your question, Adam, but some things occurred to me that would matter. Are you in a humid climate? Will your dog be coming back to air conditioning? Will your walker/runner be hanging out with Italy for a while after returning from the walk? Doe she carry water on the walk that your dog can drink? What time of day does she take Italy out?


I don't know, but 85 sounds a little high for running. I don't run mine over 72 or so, but Seattle is humid and mine are ages 7 and 9. Hopefully, others will have good advice for you. GT is greyt for that colgate.gif


I think I know the answer. I'm going to tell her to stop running altogether. I'm in Chicago so humidity can be high. I keep my place about 65 or so, so Italy comes back to a good temp, but the walker leaves after dropping her off. She doesn't take water because it's 30 mins or so and then back home.


No more running.

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Guest Energy11

NO running in the high heat and humidity! We've had two heat related incidents on this board this week, and it is dangerous out there. Your dog walker needs to be careful, as well. Short walks, ... no running. This is my advice anyway. Good Luck!

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Guest SuperiorItaly

NO running in the high heat and humidity! We've had two heat related incidents on this board this week, and it is dangerous out there. Your dog walker needs to be careful, as well. Short walks, ... no running. This is my advice anyway. Good Luck!


All clear. And gave my vet, who sits on the Greyhounds Only board, a call and said that she can run a bit if the heat index is under 75. But I don't want it to be subjective so I left the walker a note that says strictly no running.

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Guest IrskasMom

As I was sitting in the Waitingroom at the Vet for Morty's Check up they brought two Dogs in who were barely alive from Heatstroke. This is a sad Picture . My Dog if he wants to run for a Minute or two, I let him.B :blink: ut running on the hot Asphalt absolutly NO.

Edited by IrskasMom
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Guest kydie

I was (note I said was) :lol a long distance runner for years and I ran in early, early a.m. when it was cool, never, never, never in mid day, and I live in a primary cool area of the country so if I wouldn't do it, I wouldn't let my dog do it

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