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Vomiting, Could It Be Move Related?

Guest DunksMom

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Guest DunksMom

Hi all,

We just bought our first home and have moved in over the long weekend. Dunkin' vomitted twice yesterday and is extremely tired yesterday and today. Could this be a result of the stress from the move? Although we've been coming to the house with Dunkin' for a

month now and he didn't seem stressed at all during the move. His stools are fine so is his appetite. Hasn't vomitted today so far but ate some grass earlier so I'm guessing that his tummy doesn't feel good.


Any suggestions? Thanks everyone!

- Emily

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Could be! Try a Pepcid twice a day for a day or two and see if that helps. Could just be tummy acid from stress. It's one thing to visit MA from VA and quite another to have one's house dismantled and carted off in boxes! eek.gif


Good luck! I hope it's nothing more than this.

Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Guest Energy11

Yes, could be from the move.


If you are moving in the HEAT, this doesn't help, and of course, the stress.


When WE moved from Fla. to the N. GA Mts., Cari (*is neurotic anyway), wouldn't eat .... and, yes, she did vomit). She usually vomits when we travel, as well.


I'd give it a few days and go from there. When my Staggerlee was vomiting last week, I keep him on a "clear liquid" diet for 24 hours. I gave him low sodium chicken broth, popcisles, and frozen Gatorade. After that, I gave him high quality canned food, and now, he is fine...


The clear liquid diet gives their guts a rest wihout leaving it empty, so the harsh digestive fluids build up, and make everything worse. I also offered plain, unflavored yogurt to him.


Good Luck! Hope everything resolves soon!

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Guest DunksMom

Hi! Just updating. Dunk is resting on the couch, no vomiting today yet and I even got a roach on the couch! He is still tired after sleeping all day. Afer reading some recent posts I'm thinking t could be a little stomach bug. We plan on having rice and green beans for dinner and see how that goes.


Thanks for the replies!


-Em & Dunkin'

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Guest greyarea

Molly throws up whenever I go out of town for a day. As we say around here, "nothing says I miss you like puke on the carpet!"

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