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Bug Bites

Guest Shermanator

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Guest Shermanator

Sigh, we live in AZ, outside of Phoenix. We have a doggie door, which stays open all the time, and the pups are in and out of the house as they please. This is our 7th summer with them, and for the past 6, we've had the door. They are both outside, laying in beds we leave out there, (no rain makes if easier to keep old ones out there!) and Sherman loves to sleep out there at night.

Anyway, I have noticed more bug bites on them this past spring. I find them by running my hands over their backs, and legs, and you can feel the scab/sore. The little bites and no bigger than 1/2 cm, but there is definitely a sore - looks to me like a bite. I have no idea what keep munching on them. DH tells me not to worry about it, but of course, I'm the nervous mama. Anyone else have problems with bug bites.

BTW- we have pest control out every other month to control bugs. They are on heartworm meds, since we live near a wash, and with the winter rains, the mosquitoes are out with a vengeance this year. Could they be mosquito bites?

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Guest Energy11

YES, I have noticed a HUGE increase in the "but" population here! Starting in March, we have had temps FAR ABOVE normal, and I think it has somehow brought out more bugs! mad.gif


I use Adams Flea and Tick Mist on mine, every seven days, for flea and tick control, but I have noticed the mosquitos and gnats aren't really interested in them, either! smile.gif


You might want to try it. It it natural, and it works. I recommend the water-based if you can find it.


Good Luck!

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My guess would be mosquitoes, especially if you live near any water.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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