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Guest Obidog

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Guest Obidog

Hi I am from Australia. We have two whippets and one greyhound. Obi ,our grey, never raced as he is supposed to have broken his leg as a pup. We are his third owners and he is a lovely dog, very high spirited. He will be 2 in June, so as such is still a pup. Last month we fostered an 3 1/2 year old boy who has pannus and is a bit of a spook. We found out yesterday he is being returned because he was 'in their garden', not digging mind you. Anyway we are going to keep him, poor boy needs a stable home and he fitted in very well with our pack. He is just a really gentle soul and I am sad it did not work out for him. The whippets we have had since they were 5 weeks old (you had to see where they came from to believe it) they are brother and sister and will be 2 in October. We help out a greyhound rescue group just doings bits and pieces when they need us.

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Guest krystolla

Hi! Welcome to greytalk! :welcome:welcome2


And wow, three sighthounds around two years old -- that's a lot of land sharks. And a spooky foster on top . . you must have the patience of a saint!

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Guest Obidog

Thank you. I walk them all twice a day so they are a pretty settled bunch. Be interesting when Jamie gets back in a few days.


This is our lot. Obi is the red fawn and Jamie the blue (?) fawn, Patch is the blue and white whippet and the little blue on on the chair is the ever dainty princess Ella






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What a lovely family. They are gorgeous. What part of Australia are you from?

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Guest Spencers_Greyt

Hi and Welcome from Arizona! It sounds like your foster boy was meant to be yours! Congratulations! We would love to see photos of your dog babies!


Oops I see you included photos - your pups are gorgeous!

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Guest Obidog

Thank you so much everyone, for the welcome. We live on the east coast in New South Wales, a couple of hours south of Sydney.


I would agree I think Jamie was meant to be ours; we are changing his name to Jed. Give him a new name a new home and a settled life, he deserves it.

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Welcome! Let us know when Jed gets home!

Cynthia, & Cristiano, galgo
Always in my heart: Frostman
Newdawn Frost, Keno Jet Action & Chloe (NGA racing name unknown), Irys (galgo), Hannah (weim), Cruz (galgo), & Carly CW Your Charming

Princess http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?i=1018857

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." -- Unknown

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Guest Obidog

Jed came home yesterday afternoon, in the short time she had him he has lost quite a bit of weight, but then eating cat food will do that. He is happy to be home and fitted back in with others like he was meant to be here. I walked the four of them this morning and he even wore his doggles for me with no problem. They are the sunglass type not the goggle type. He is just the most gentle dog and he is home to stay. He balances Obi really well and the whippets are not worried by him at all. We must look a sight waiting out the front waiting for my son's school bus to come; 2 greyhounds, 2 whippets and our cat who takes this oportunity of a morning to lick the hounds clean.

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