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Petzlife Care Gel/spray

Guest Swifthounds

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Guest chaoran22

MZH - you mentioned brown stuff on regular toothpaste vs. no brown stuff on the gel - did you use regular dog toothpaste with the same regularity as you do the gel?


I'm just wondering if the Petzlife products are really any more effective than regular brushing with regular dog toothpaste. It seems like you have to brush every day still with the gel for it to be effective - at which point, couldn't it just be the brushing action itself that's working and not the gel?


I ask because I tried it for about a month at one point and didn't think it worked at all, but I keep hearing such good things about it on this board, and it makes me rethink maybe trying it again. But I'd like to see if people have noticed a difference between using Petzlife products vs. regular dog toothpaste - when they used the two with about the same frequency.


When I keep up with daily brushing, both my dogs have beautiful teeth, the problem is, I've slacked off a bit in the past two months and now they both have buildup - so if Petzlife can get rid of the buildup without a dental, I'm all for giving it another shot, because while toothpaste works great for us on a daily basis, once there is buildup, it doesn't do anything to get rid of already existing buildup - this is why I'm thinking about giving Petzlife another shot.

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Thanks for sharing your experiences with this product. I have just started using it, primarily for Princess who just lost some teeth when she had her last dental. :( I've never had a dog lose any teeth and I'm determined she's not going to lose any more! I have the mint flavored gel and she doesn't mind it at all.

Cynthia, & Cristiano, galgo
Always in my heart: Frostman
Newdawn Frost, Keno Jet Action & Chloe (NGA racing name unknown), Irys (galgo), Hannah (weim), Cruz (galgo), & Carly CW Your Charming

Princess http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?i=1018857

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." -- Unknown

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MZH - you mentioned brown stuff on regular toothpaste vs. no brown stuff on the gel - did you use regular dog toothpaste with the same regularity as you do the gel?




I'm just wondering if the Petzlife products are really any more effective than regular brushing with regular dog toothpaste. It seems like you have to brush every day still with the gel for it to be effective - at which point, couldn't it just be the brushing action itself that's working and not the gel?


The bottle says 3-4 times a week IIRC.


I ask because I tried it for about a month at one point and didn't think it worked at all, but I keep hearing such good things about it on this board, and it makes me rethink maybe trying it again. But I'd like to see if people have noticed a difference between using Petzlife products vs. regular dog toothpaste - when they used the two with about the same frequency.


I did and I think it's better.


When I keep up with daily brushing, both my dogs have beautiful teeth, the problem is, I've slacked off a bit in the past two months and now they both have buildup - so if Petzlife can get rid of the buildup without a dental, I'm all for giving it another shot, because while toothpaste works great for us on a daily basis, once there is buildup, it doesn't do anything to get rid of already existing buildup - this is why I'm thinking about giving Petzlife another shot.


I would give another try. It's kept Perri's teeth pearly white since her December dental. Usually by now the brown is starting to accumulate on the canines by now but not this time. :)


I need to learn how to respond to quotes. I've been on the forum since May '05. You'd think I'd have figured it out by now but I did answer the questions in the previous post. :rolleyes:


Ack, now it's *in* the previous post!

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Guest chaoran22

haha - i was a little confused and couldn't figure out where your answers were for a minute. :) thanks - i do think i will give it another shot!

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Guest mcsheltie

Petzlife works much better than regular toothpaste. I don't brush, but I do follow the directions on the web site. All of our dogs have shown signifcant improvement.


After 60 days, if your dog didn't have moss growing on their teeth to start out with, you can usually go to two or three times a week for maintenance. If their teeth are in bad shape when you start Petzlife there won't be a miracle, you will still need a dental. I had to put off a dental on a pregnant bitch, whose teeth were in bad shape. After a month her horrid breath went away, her gums lost the dark red line and the plaque started to disappear.


After dentals I follow the maintenance schedule.

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Guest eaglflyt

MZH - you mentioned brown stuff on regular toothpaste vs. no brown stuff on the gel - did you use regular dog toothpaste with the same regularity as you do the gel?


I'm just wondering if the Petzlife products are really any more effective than regular brushing with regular dog toothpaste. It seems like you have to brush every day still with the gel for it to be effective - at which point, couldn't it just be the brushing action itself that's working and not the gel?


I ask because I tried it for about a month at one point and didn't think it worked at all, but I keep hearing such good things about it on this board, and it makes me rethink maybe trying it again. But I'd like to see if people have noticed a difference between using Petzlife products vs. regular dog toothpaste - when they used the two with about the same frequency.


When I keep up with daily brushing, both my dogs have beautiful teeth, the problem is, I've slacked off a bit in the past two months and now they both have buildup - so if Petzlife can get rid of the buildup without a dental, I'm all for giving it another shot, because while toothpaste works great for us on a daily basis, once there is buildup, it doesn't do anything to get rid of already existing buildup - this is why I'm thinking about giving Petzlife another shot.


We saw dramatic differences between regular dog toothpaste and Petzlife Oral Care Gel ... *the Petzlife was very effective* and the doggy toothpaste made no difference.


I recently babysat a friends two elderly greys. They had the worst teeth and breath I had ever experienced. She was fearful of having dentals done due to their age. I asked her if she would mind if I did daily brushing with Petzlife Oral Care Gel while they were with us. She agreed. By the end of day 5, no more bad breath. By the end of the 10 days of babysitting, there was a dramatic difference in their dental health with much LESS tartar. She has continued to brush since she took them home and their mouths look completely different now, after about 30 days of Petzlife Oral Care Gel daily brushing. We also used diluted hydrogen peroxide with water to gently spray along the gumline daily to help fight bacteria.

Edited by eaglflyt
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Several years ago, when we owned GreyhoundMagnets.com, we sold PetzLife spray and gel for cleaning dogs' teeth. Recently, I heard about "PLAQUE ATTACK", one of those "as sold on TV" products.


I checked into it and wrote to the owners of PetzLife. They confirmed my suspicions . . . Plaque Attack is the exact same product, just renamed, repackaged and marketed on TV.


You may find these products less expensive ($19.95 for a 3-month supply) than the PetzLife products at Petsmart, etc.





Edited by AndysMom

Mom to Palm City Roxie ("Roxie"). Remembering Heizer Jordan ("Jordan"), DB's PickedtoWin ("Andy"), CB Ectasy ("Ecstasy"), Oshkosh Unafraid ("Tribute"), Arathorn, WV's Imperial ("Abby") and her brother WV's Institute ("Mojo") and KB's Gameboy ("Game Boy"), who've all gone to the Bridge. Working with Austin Greyhound Adoption <austingreyhounds.org>.

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Guest FullMetalFrank

We use the spray and it does work (when I remember and am consistent!) I have a 10 year old and an 8 year old; both have not had a dental since they have lived with me (Frankie, 8 years with me, Chelsa, going on 2) They have all of their teeth, healthy thank goodness, and the Petzlife spray does help loosen the plaque. If I use it for 3 or 4 days I can go in with my thumbnail and chip off any little chunks of calculus that have formed. Ideally you should brush your dog's teeth no less than every other day; it takes plaque 48 hours to begin to harden into calculus (tartar.) I try to keep up but sometimes life (and school, and family, and dog stuff) gets in the way.


I want to try the gel when my little bottle of spray runs out!

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I just ordered some from Amazon for $16.80 for 4 oz bottles. Free shipping with Prime membership. Entirely Pets has it for $19.99 plus $4.95 shipping if buying less than $100.


Interesting that the K9 has 12 oz bottles for $45-ish. Don't know what shipping is. (Didn't know it came in big bottles either.) All good prices! It's $29.99 from Petsmart online. Big difference.

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Guest greygirls2

I use both the PtzLife spray and gel. I brush with the gel and use the spray on days they've had a turkey neck or nice bone and don't need a brushing. I've used this on all the fosters I've gotten straight off the track and most didn't need a dental after a couple weeks. It really does loosen and take the tarter off right into the gum line. All three of mine use it and none of them has needed a dental yet....JJ just turned 6, Diamond will be 7 in Sept and Laci will be 5 this Sunday. All straight from the track, no dental. They don't mind the brushing....I use infant tooth brushes and started right away when they came...same with the fosters. I buy my PetzLife from PetEdge which is where I have found it to be cheapest so far.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Bang_o_rama

Hmmmm...anyone lost any fingers yet brushing those big houndie teeth? So far Bang has been very nice about it, but you know how this breed can turn on ya....



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Guest Energy11

I put the Petzlife Gel on a cosmetic puff, and rub it into their teeth and gums... that is how we do it here, and it works :-)colgate.gif

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