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Shy Around Men

Guest paulownedbyfour

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Guest paulownedbyfour

Kush is doing very well in his new home. He shops for all the toys and brings them in his crate. He has no accidents and comes when he is called. He goes crazy when he knows its time for a walk and has waggy tail when he sees the leash. He enjoys his bed time ritual of having his teeth cleaned and hugs n kisses before bed. The only issue the adopters would like to help Kush with is his fear of men. I suggested that her husband should feed him more often and be the one to give treats. I also suggested she have some treats in her pocket for strangers to give when they are out and about or when vistors come to the home. I was wondering if anyone has any other suggestion I might pass along. I told her that they have done a amazing job with him and some of his shyness issues just may take more time. He is a youngster who needs to build confidence.


Thanks for any suggestions.

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I have had 2 shy ones around men. Gogh & Gabby. Gogh was afraid of just about everyone, but especially men. BUT if the men slowly paid attention to him, he was okay. But he never got over it. Gabby is the same way. I'm a widow and there are no men in my home, so I haven't worked with Gabby to get her over the issue. She's 12 1/2 now. Gogh passed away last year.

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No discourgment here, many can over come issues, I have a non gray that came to us after a tough start in life, she has never over come her HATRED of men, (some of my girlfriends say smart dog) :lol

I have no idea what caused this, and being 1/2 chow doesn't help. it took her years to trust DH, and even now if he wears a baseball hat she barks, and leaves the area :huh

Edited by kydie
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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

my little girl Olive was terrified of me (man), she would run and hide if I looked at her. In order to get her to come around we did two things. First: I hand fed her, not just gave her food, but actually put the food in my hands and she had to eat out of my hands. The first few days I had to sit on the floor and hold my hand behind my back for her to eat, then after a few days I could move my hands to my side, and finally a few days later I could keep my hands in my lap. Also, I was the only one to walk her and give treats. That part of the training took about 2 months. She was fine with me in our house after that, but she was still shy with men she didnt know, and the louder and larger they were, the more frightened she was. Part two: meet n greets where strangers would simply toss her a treat and ignore her. My other hound is very outgoing and confident, so when she would get stressed, she would hide behind Bart or my wife or I. Fast forward 1.5 years, she is not 100% confident, but is so much better that we can go to meet n greets with her without people thinking she must have been abused because she is so afraid of people. One thing that she is still a bit apprehensive about is tall people that approach her head directly with their hands out. Basically like all people tend to do with dogs. What works for her is that people have to ignore her head and start by standing next to her and petting her flank, then they can move up to her head. Your hound may have the same "directness sensitivity", experiment with different approach techniques.



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I also have a very shy boy. He doesn't care for men. He warmed up much more quickly to me than my DH. After about 4 months I suggested to him to take him running on a leash---did that a couple of times for about 3 weeks and became "buddies".Now everytime he sees DH with his running clothes on he goes nuts. Patience,patience patience!! It's such a great joy to see a shy one make progress.Another step for mine was that he doesn't run out of the room when company comes anymore (that took 6 months) Good luck! :colgate

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My Chloe, a bounce was deathly afraid of men. DH used to approach her from her level- on his knees- literally. He would sit outside of her crate with the door open and work on his laptop, it took about 3 months, but she is totally in love with him.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

Greyhound Angels Adoption (GAA) The Lexus Project

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