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Hello From Canada (And New England)!

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I thought I had an intro thread awhile ago, but I can't find it. I was a member a few years ago too, but I think my login name has since expired :blush ...


Anyway, I'm a longtime greyhound lover, but have yet to acquire my own hound. I'm currently working towards my BSc in biology and am planning on adopting after I graduate (more like counting down the days.... ;)) Right now my university is in Canada, but who knows where I'll end up after I'm done. I'm leaning towards grad school in the future, and hopefully some months in between doing field work. My family is in Massachusetts, where I would love to adopt from. I have some experience visiting greyhounds at races, adoption groups, and owners- already have a mini collection of greyhound statues, posters. :blush



My only pets at the moment are snakes, which I'd be happy to post pictures of if it doesn't freak anyone out. :)

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Thank you everyone! I may regret frequenting the boards again....they tend to promote my procrastination problem! :P:rolleyes: . All in all, its nice to surround myself with greyhound pictures until I can get my own pup! :)


Here's a couple pictures of my snakes.


Here's Paddy, my female ball python. She's still a baby and won't be too big when full grown (doubt she'll be bigger than 4 feet). She spends most of her time hiding, but is extremely docile (typical of the species) and easy to handle.




This is Leo, my little corn on christmas (born last year). Corn snakes are wonderful beginner species if anyone is interested.




And here is one of Dorothy my other ball python, my big rescue girl. She's been through a lot, but is still a lovely snake with a wonderful disposition.




Lastly, this is Minnie, the Eastern Garter.





I know a lot of people do not like snakes (believe me, my family reminds me everyday :rolleyes: )....but hopefully a few of you can find a bit of the amazement in these creatures. :)



For all the furball lovers- I'll add a photograph of Herbie, my foster kitty (who has since been adopted).


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:welcome from Ottawa Canada :snow:snowman:reindeer:gh_bow What university ar you attending. I went to University of Ottawa and Bishop's University


Hi, and thanks for the welcome! I love "meeting" fellow canadians and greyhound lovers! I'm at Queen's university right now, not far enough from Ottawa to explain why I haven't been there in 10 years... :blush ! I'd like to go to the tulip festival sometime, I think it's in the middle of spring.


Welcome back.Next time your in MA on a Sunday, join us on our walk.Greyhound Adventures


Thanks- I checked out the website and it looks like you guys have loads of fun :) . Man, I can't wait to get my own grey and be able to legitimately join a grey walking group! B)

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Well, I am not a snake lover, but who cares?

When you are ready, the perfect greyhound will appear.

I wonder who else on this Board has snakes and Greyhounds and I wonder if precautions need to be taken and on whose part?

Just curious and congrats on the soon to be graduation.

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