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Everyday Is A New Challenge

Guest TeddysMom

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Guest TeddysMom

I am really hoping with age Teddy will begin to be a little less challenging. I have a small desk which is my night stand, I have removed everything from it except the lamp and the clock because if there is anything on it, Teddy will wake me up dragging things off. Well this morning I was awakened by a noise and when I opened my eyes, Teddy was standing on the desk looking down at me of course from there he leaped onto the bed and my ribs just as happy as can be. He is probably near 2 years old, will he ever mature and at what age do greys begin to get a brain?? He is like a juvenile deliquent, don't get me wrong, I love him to pieces, he is a very lovable boy but he is a Dufus! :eek

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Guest Mooogies

OMG I laughed out loud when I pictured a full grown greyhound standing on top of a desk then pouncing on you! I know I shouldn't laugh but look at it this way.....you gotta love his character!

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I SOOOOOO feel your pain! Only less, 'cause it's both my CATS that do things like that - and they weigh a lot less than your boy!! Still, they're always knocking things off (on purpose to get me to pay attention to them) and jumping on everything!


Believe it or not, one day he WILL grow up and you'll MISS the mischief!! :rolleyes::lol (Eventually...)


REmember to take pix!!! :lol

Jeannine with Merlin, the crazed tabby cat and his sister, Jasmine, the brat-cat

With GTsiggieFromJenn.jpgAngel Cody(Roving Gemini), and Weenie the tortie waiting at the Bridge

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Guest TeddysMom

I never seem to be awake enough to get the camera and it happens so fast I don't have time to react. Morning is his most mischievious time, he just will do almost anything to wake me up. Another 3 years...really???? I guess I will have to "buck up" because he sure isn't going anywhere. :o

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Guest Swifthounds

Another 3 years...really????


Naahhh. Greyhounds grow into your expectations. You can encourage your greyhound to "Grow up" by reinforcing the good behaviors without ruining the hound's penchant for fun.

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Guest mcsheltie

I am such a grouch in the morning that none of our dogs bother me or move before I get up. And we've got 10 dogs in the bedroom too :eek I wish I could bottle it and send some to you. I could get rich quick. :colgate .

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Guest TeddysMom

I am such a grouch in the morning that none of our dogs bother me or move before I get up. And we've got 10 dogs in the bedroom too :eek I wish I could bottle it and send some to you. I could get rich quick. :colgate .


Oh yes, I would buy some. :lol I do have to say that this morning, no one wanted to get up. I think they instinctivly knew that it was really cold out and Teddy just climbed up on the bed, curled up with me and went back to sleep until after 9am. I think they would have slept longer but I needed to get up by then. 8 degrees was pretty cold and they sure didn't tarry long in the yard.

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