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Ziva And Her Crate

Guest SunKissed

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Guest SunKissed

Ziva hasnt been doing any better with her crating while we are gone. Even with a good walk beforehand, the radio on, 2 stuffed kongs/toys, and us doing alone training; she has just seemed to get worse. Not only is she howling the entire day, she has now broken the metal bars of the crate, and has cut her nose open. Thats where I just gave in and decided to try gating her someplace. The kitchen was the most logical spot since its out only tile floor (thinking easy cleanup here). We tried it Sunday night while we unloaded 2 cars of stuff. She promptly hopped over one of the gates (its a walk thru kitchen so 2 doors). We raised it just slightly and tried again, and she stayed put the rest of the trips to the car. We waited til she was calm and lying down before letting her out.



Last night we decided to go ahead and try it longer. We gated her in the kitchen again w her muzzle on, a few kongs/toys w pb, and her bed, and left. 3 hours later she had hopped over the gate, but was peacefully relaxing in the living/dining area. Nothing was gotten into, no accidents, just a happy doggie. I checked w the neighbors this morning and they said for the short time they were home, they heard nothing from her :D

I am trying it again today with her just having the run of the living room and dining room. Kitchen is still gated off with a small space under each gate ( maybe 6 inches) so that our cats can escape if necessary. I left at 9:45 and should be back around 1:15, well see how she does. Hopefully she is still quietly relaxing!

Edited by SunKissed
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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

If you are determined to gate her into/out of a certain area, maybe double up on the gates, and be sure to leave that 12" at the bottom for your cats to escape. I had a similar experience with my boy, he would eliminate in the crate, no destruction just elimination. We only let that go 4 days, then muzzle and left on his own in the house gated into the living room. Never had any issues with him. My female on the other hand, she has to be muzzled if we cant walk her before work as she will get into stuff, no accidents just likes to chew on candles and plastic. Oh yea, she is an expert at opening drawers, cabinets, refridgerator, you name it, she can open it. I swear she has opposable thumbs.


Good luck

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What you're doing sounds good. I think for her own safety for a bit, muzzle her to keep her from chewing or eating anything, like the remote, phones, shoes, pillows, etc. I crate my older female Gabby because of the slick floors. I crate Pipi half the day for Gabby's company. In the afternoon, my turn out boys put Jack in the crate, but I think I'm going to have that stopped. He's fine with everything he does. I used to "gate" Banker, but he gets up set because he thinks he's separated from everyone, so he then poops on the floor. So I have told the boys to just gate the kitchen, so like you, the cats have a place to go. It keeps everyone out of the kitchen. Plus I don't get bombarded when I get home. 


If she's doing fine in the house "free rein" I think I'd leave it like that. My friend Cynde has 5 greys & they are free all day long, no problems. 




Oh I learned to put remotes in drawers, magazines up higher or in drawers. Anything you didn't want chewed on, in drawers. I can't tell you how many remotes I've replaced. Only one cordless phone, so far. OH...mini blinds had to be replaced.

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Sounds like she does fine left to her own devices. I'd probably still muzzle her for a while, make sure she's exercised and see how she does. She may be just fine!

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest BorzoiMom

I leave the TV on for Dutch. I don't have a crate, and tried to keep him in the kitchen, but after 3 days I came home to a dog in the living room, a burried pile of poop (bigger than he does outside), and thankfully a still live cat. Sorry for the run-on sentence. I put him in the kitchen once more and he hopped the fence again with another pile left for me, it was burried with heavy dog toys so HE burried the poop, not the cat. :lol The neighbor also informed me he had been crying to the point he was concerned the dog was hurt. (that week Dutch was on leash walks to re-heal his suture site, so not as much exersize) He now goes to the dog park every day, morning walk, and late night walk. I put an old sheet down on the floor where he had pooped, so now that's a sleep area, put my laptop in a drawer, remote on top of the tv, my pillows in the closet, and lock him out of the kitchen. After he was clear to free exersize he has been fine at home - I still leave the TV on for him. The cat stays at the top of her 6 foot scratching post, while he can still each her it's not been a problem, he respects the kitty smackdown. :lol

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Guest Adrianne

We never crated Wilbur. We had one when we first brought him home, but we followed his cues. He showed no interest in being in it, and he was only off the track a week when we got him. We would, the first few weeks, step outside as if we were leaving and then watch him through a window. We built up from a few minutes the first time to longer periods of time. He was always fine.


I think some greyhounds just know right away they are home and just want to lie around and be retired.

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