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The Big D

Guest TLH0739

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Guest TLH0739

My Patrick is 8 years old and has diarrhea. He had it a few days ago but was eating, drinking and playing. I gave him boil chicken and rice for a few days. His diarrhea went away. Last night I worked and came home this morning to a terrible smell when I opened the door. I knew he had the big D again. He had a it on my living room floor and his bed on the floor. I felt so bad for him. The flatus is terrible. I gave him immodium and chicken and rice again. The only thing I did was brush his teeth with Petzlife. Do you think that can cause the diarrhea?

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Fast him for 24 hours, make sure he gets plenty of liquid and then start the bland diet. Give his gut a chance to get rid of what it's trying to expel before asking it to deal with more food.

If he's doing it a lot or not getting enough fluid and starts to get dehydrated, get him to the vet.

If he's good to go again then start with bland food and if he's doing ok, start to add his kibble back in.


If you are concerned the PetZlife is causing it, don't use it again until it clears up for a few days and try again.

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Guest savvyprchick

+2 to absolutely everything Trudy said!


After mine have the Big D and after the 24 hour fast, I use more rice than chicken and then add in more chicken. Same thing when I start adding kibble (to the rice/chicken)... I start with mostly rice/chicken and slowly add in more kibble. Generally, this takes me a week to get them back to full kibble, and I'm probably a bit slow in switching them over, but I've never had a re-lapse where I had to go back to square one.

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