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Canine Influenza Vaccine

Guest kydie

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:unsure Since we attend Meet and Greets and come into contact with lots of other dogs in the Petco venue, thought this may be needed, I understant Pittsburgh,Pa has been hit bad by Canine Influenza
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Guest scfilby

One of the vets we use actually called us recently to inform us that Georgia has been hit hard also. Obviously this was a sales call to inform us that the vaccine is available from them, but scary none the less.





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Thanks, although my vet, told me the pups that are not around other dogs, do not need this, as they never are in a community setting, she asked me to consider it for the grey, have to say she never pushes vaccines,as 30 states are affected now in put is always welcome

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Duncan just got his flu vaccine today. This is what my vet told me:

1. The canine influenza began in a racing greyhound kennel and travelled out from there.

2. Greyhounds are more susceptible to the flu than other breeds.

3. The disease has a very high morbidity rate in greys.

4. The flu is both airborne and carried by "spit" (my word, not hers). A diseased dog snorts, the goo gets on the grass. The virus stays alive quite a while after landing on a surface. Your dog snuffles the grass and gets the virus.


She is not a vaccine nut. She is more than willing to allow me to minimally vaccinate Duncan.


Hope this helps.

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Hmmm . . . my vet, whom I regard as very smart and up to date, said when I asked him about it several weeks ago that the vaccine is pretty much a scam to make money for the vaccine company and play on people's flu fears -- that it's not very effective and that "canine influenza" has been around for a good while without people getting all worked up about it. He said that dogs in shelters and others confined in close quarters (like track kennels) that way are the ones with a significant risk, not really pets. Now I'm wondering if I should reconsider, though....

Edited by PrairieProf

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Thank you for this info. have to say,, I have 4 pups, and she didn't recommend it for them, as I said, they are never around other dogs, but the grey , she discussed at lenght, due to Meet and Greets, more input welcome

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