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New Member, New Lump...

Guest bernadette

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Guest bernadette

Hi all!


I'm so happy to have found these boards, what a comfort. I started looking for information after finding a lump on my six year old male grey, Vinnie, a couple of weeks ago. It's about a nickel size in diameter, not rock solid but not completely squishy. It is not in the skin, I can't pick it up. It's on his belly, my guess would be (by the way it feels) that its attached to muscle over his ribs. I'm watching it... it's too small to hinder him and he does not seem to mind when I feel it. I know it would take a trip to the vet to determine for sure if this is just a lipoma or not... I guess I am just looking for thoughts and experiences... I've been reading similar stories here.


Thanks! :colgate

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I always run to a vet asap when I find a lump. The vets have usually done a needle aspirate sample to check under a microscope. Most of the time, it's nothing, but my Zippy has had two cancerous tumors removed without incident or recurrence (completely different kinds of cancer each time). I prefer finding out fast rather than worrying and stewing, plus if it is cancer, the sooner it's removed the better. Keep us posted.


Oh, and welcome!



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Guest jettcricket

Is it flesh color? Hard to second guess, but I'd take him to the vet just to be sure it's nothing serious.


Good luck and keep up posted.

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Guest bernadette
I always run to a vet asap when I find a lump. The vets have usually done a needle aspirate sample to check under a microscope. Most of the time, it's nothing, but my Zippy has had two cancerous tumors removed without incident or recurrence (completely different kinds of cancer each time). I prefer finding out fast rather than worrying and stewing, plus if it is cancer, the sooner it's removed the better. Keep us posted.


Oh, and welcome!



Thank you. I suppose I'm a little nervous about what they might find, it does make sense to just get in and know as opposed to worrying and waiting. Vinnie is SUCh a mommas boy, I can't bear the thought of anything ever happening to him. Watching him come out of anesthesia sleepiness after his teeth cleaning is bad enough!! Thank you.




Is it flesh color? Hard to second guess, but I'd take him to the vet just to be sure it's nothing serious.


Good luck and keep up posted.



It is flesh colored, yes. The skin doesn't seem to be affected at all. It's underneath the skin and I can't pick it up or move it.

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Guest Energy11

With lumps, especially with what you are describing, I'd have the vet talk a look. Might just be a fatty tumor, but always better to be safe than sorry.


Welcome to Greytalk!

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Guest bernadette
I have no further wisdom on lumps, but welcome to GT! We'd all love to see pictures of Vinnie, I know!



Thank you so much for all of your thoughts. I will be getting this checked out very soon and I will let you all know what I find out.


I'm not sure how to post pictures here... can I ask for help with that also? He's such a handsome boy...! :)

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Guest trevdog

Yes, get him checked for your piece of mind....could be a big nothing or if something not so good, the earlier it's caught the more likely it can be treated. And Welcome!

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I'm not sure how to post pictures here... can I ask for help with that also? He's such a handsome boy...! :)


Most people here set up an account with Photobucket.com and store pictures there; it's really easy to do. Then you paste the IMG code for the picture on Photobucket into your message, and the picture appears in the post. I'm sure you can do it with other photo hosting websites as well (or at least provide links) -- but anyway the photos have to be online.


Here, this thread should help too: http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=121707

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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I worry a lot less with lumps in the skin itself, that with lumps attached to the underlying tissue.


If Vinnie's lump seems to be attached to the muscle, I'd get him checked out ASAP. Having said that, I took my old Jack in with a lump over his ribcage which appeared to be attached, and felt stringy (it was about an inch long and oval shaped) and it turned out it was a lipoma which was just in the early stages of forming. Once it got bigger, it got softer and felt like a typical 'soft boiled egg' texture lipoma.


Better to be safe than sorry. You don't want to miss a mast cell tumour. ;)


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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I also would just get him checked to put your mind at ease. Our Murphy has 2 marble size lumps of the same nature, I knew they were probably nothing but had my vet look at them anyway, it just made me feel better knowing all was fine.

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