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Jeremy Hurt His Toe/foot?

Guest TBSFlame

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Guest TBSFlame

I have scheduled Jeremy a vet appointment for tomorrow morning but what can I do until then? The weather is cooler and all the hounds are playful. DH said Jeremy and Riley did a lot of running and chasing each other in the back yard yesterday. I noticed he was limping last night. He is not happy about me moving his toe and it looks a bit swollen but not bad. Would soaking it help? Should I wrap it? He is not panting as if in pain just not putting all his weight on it when he walks. He is fine with me touching his toe but it seems to hurt him to move it. The vet is not available today and I really don't want to see anyone else in the practice or go to the e-vet. Thanks.


Update: Just got a call from dh and poor Jeremy has a broken toe. :( I had a feeling it might be broken.

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Guest TheUnrulyHound

I would leave it alone, unless he starts licking or chewing on it. I would also hand walk him to do his business so he can't injure it anymore. If he is not screaming in pain he is probably ok to wait till tomorrow :) I don't know about soaking it, it may help but I wouldn't wrap it.....

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I wouldn't wrap it unless something looks out of joint or bloody. If it's only a bit swollen, you could soak the foot in epsom salts in warm water a couple times today. Might ease the swelling a tad.

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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Guest TBSFlame

Well, nevermind. I just got a call from my dh and he was at the vet's office with Jeremy. I guess he is going to see someone else as our regular vet is not there. They just told him I had called and made an appointment for tomorrow. He just loaded Jeremy up and took him without calling. :) It will cost him more without an appointment. I really am in shock. I have never seen dh take so much interest in one of the dogs before. He loves that boy. I have always been in charge of everything regarding the hounds. The only thing he has every done is swing in the swing with them and play with them. Jeremy follows Woody around everywhere. It really is cute. I am glad he now had his very own buddy. Every old man needs his own dog. :)

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Well, nevermind. I just got a call from my dh and he was at the vet's office with Jeremy. I guess he is going to see someone else as our regular vet is not there. They just told him I had called and made an appointment for tomorrow. He just loaded Jeremy up and took him without calling. :) It will cost him more without an appointment. I really am in shock. I have never seen dh take so much interest in one of the dogs before. He loves that boy. I have always been in charge of everything regarding the hounds. The only thing he has every done is swing in the swing with them and play with them. Jeremy follows Woody around everywhere. It really is cute. I am glad he now had his very own buddy. Every old man needs his own dog. :)



Woody really WUBS his boy, Linda. Jeremy you really hit the mother lode of forever homes buddy. Maddie said it was great to see you at hte beach. Hope your owie gets better and it is nothing serious. Here's a :kiss2 from me and a :cookie from Maddie to help you get better soon.



Amy Human Mommy to fur baby Maddie (Doobiesaurus) TDI certified. May 5, 2002-September 12, 2014 and Mille (Mac's Bayou Baby)CGC, TDI certified.


http://i270.photobucket.com/albums/jj93/Chillyhorse/siggies/maddie.jpg"]http://i270. photobucket.com/albums/jj93/Chillyhorse/siggies/maddie.jpg[/img]

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Guest MomoftheFuzzy

Feel better, Jeremy. Poor footsie. :kiss2


Linda, this line of yours made me all mushy and teary-eyed (very touching!): "Every old man needs his own dog."



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Guest KennelMom

ditto to what Diane said.


Leash walk for a while. Anti-inflammatories sometimes. Just give it time to heal. We've got really active dogs and toes pop in and out somewhat frequently. A little swelling. Nothing major.

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