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Help! Not Sure What Is Wrong With My Greyhound

Guest sgdahound

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Guest sgdahound

Bliss went to the neurologist yesterday and we got back the tick panel results also. He was only positive for the babesia as he was in the past. We will be doing the Imizol injection to see if it helps in any way.

The neuro appt we went to hoping it wouldn't be bad news because the first visit he was leaning towards it was not neurological at that point and probably not a brain tumor or cyst or infection. The neurologist felt Bliss became worse with his stumbling (we kind of don't agree on that point-we feel he is about the same) but also his head tilt to the left side has become much worse and he noticed a twitch in Bliss' left eye only that twitched in 2 different directions? that was not there at the last visit 3 weeks ago. He now believes that it is a neurological issue.

He suggested a MRI which he said himself might not give him any definate answers or doing a spinal tap and CT scan which could give some answers.

We brought up the babesia titer being positive and he didn't seem to be real familiar with tick titers. We asked about trying to treat for the babesia first to see if that would help at all. He said that it could not hurt.

He wants us know figure out how much water Bliss is taking in during a day because one of his problems he has been having is excessive urinating/drinking.

It has been going on & off for a year or longer now. Bliss is also been very cranky with our other dogs since all this has been going on. He was never like that in the past. The neurologist said the same part of the brain would control his mood and drinking/urination. He wants us to keep track on the water intake before possibly trying Prednisone at one point.

We want to make sure we do the right things for Bliss but we are so confused what to do next after the Imizol treatment.

This is so hard for us because we love him so much!! We just want to any type of treament we can but we don't want him to suffer in any way.

Any suggestions?


Donna & Paul

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Guest sgdahound
What is the titre on the babesia? Where are you located? Have you tried acupuncture or chiropractic?



Pos 1:80 it says for babesia titer We have not tried acupuncture or chiropractic. We are in Buffalo, New York

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Are you working with grey savvy Vets? Has Bliss been seen by a grey savvy Board Certified Internist? Have you contacted Dr. Couto or his staff at OSU? http://www.casualbling.com/OSU.html. Just suggestions.

Hugs for you and Bliss.

Linda, Mom to Fuzz, Barkley, and the felines Miss Kitty, Simon and Joseph.Waiting at The Bridge: Alex, Josh, Harley, Nikki, Beemer, Anna, Frank, Rachel, my heart & soul, Suze and the best boy ever, Dalton.<p>

:candle ....for all those hounds that are sick, hurt, lost or waiting for their forever homes. SENIORS ROCK :rivethead

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Guest Energy11

They don't usually treat low Babesia Titers without symtoms. Goldie has that same titer. I had my vet draw blood for a Babesia PCR test, which showed Goldie was exposed to Babesia, but it wasn't active in her system.


I, too, would contact OSU, before going any further. Good Luck!

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Tick List generally recommends treating a low babesia titer when symptoms are present


But one has to decide what the symptoms are, which is why I asked about blood work--that could be the deciding factor. Also, since he has already been treated once, I'd proceed with caution and would make sure other types of tick borne diseases were ruled out. I'd most likely do a PCR for babesia also.

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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Tick List generally recommends treating a low babesia titer when symptoms are present


But one has to decide what the symptoms are, which is why I asked about blood work--that could be the deciding factor. Also, since he has already been treated once, I'd proceed with caution and would make sure other types of tick borne diseases were ruled out. I'd most likely do a PCR for babesia also.

I must have missed something. Had Bliss previously been treated for Babesia with Imizol? I guess their titers don't necessarily come down after treatment.

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From the first thread:


I will definately ask about doing another tick panel right away. We have had Bliss for about 4 years now. When we first adopted him and we were told he was positive for babesia they gave some kind of injection then for it. I do not remember the name of the drug.


Also, did they do a urinalysis with a culture on Bliss?

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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Guest eaglflyt

Babesia is very difficult to totally rid from any animal. Treatment doesn't guarantee the Babesia has been eradicated. Many times it is not a cure and recurrences of symptoms can be common.


Here are good links regarding canine babesia:






Best wishes and prayers for your hound from OK.

Edited by eaglflyt
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Guest sgdahound
Are you working with grey savvy Vets? Has Bliss been seen by a grey savvy Board Certified Internist? Have you contacted Dr. Couto or his staff at OSU? http://www.casualbling.com/OSU.html. Just suggestions.

Hugs for you and Bliss.


Is there specific email address for Dr. Couto? or a direct phone # to get in touch with him?





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Guest sgdahound
Are you working with grey savvy Vets? Has Bliss been seen by a grey savvy Board Certified Internist? Have you contacted Dr. Couto or his staff at OSU? http://www.casualbling.com/OSU.html. Just suggestions.

Hugs for you and Bliss.


Is there specific email address for Dr. Couto? or a direct phone # to get in touch with him?


I just called OSU for Dr. Couto but they said he is out of the country until 9-28-09.

Does anyone have his email address?






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