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Sadie Is Not Feeling Well :(

Guest Ashley

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We have switched Sadie's kibble to Orijen, which she has seemed to really like. Today, she has not eaten any of her food, nor has she drank anything. I tried giving her chicken broth, which she sniffed and ignored as well. I finally got her to eat a whole grain bun, but she didn't drink after it.

She ate a few blades of grass earlier today on a walk, and has had good poops last night and this morning after about a week and a half of major Big D.


Could her stomach just be upset from the food change still? It has been about two weeks now. What can I do to help my poor girl? :(

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Guest Energy11

Just keep her hydrated. You can add gatorade or pedilyte to her water, 50/50, which will help. Might want to try giving her a Pepcid AC to quiet her tummy. I'd give bland foods until she feels better. I like yogurt/unforvored, boiled chicken and rice.. .whatever you think she'll eat that is not too heavy. I doubt, after two weeks, it is the food.


There seems to be a "stomach bug" going around. A lot of people's greys on here have had it, and a good friend in Florida's dog just got over not eating, drinking, having the Big D, etc., and she is now fine.


Good luck and lots of hugs!

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Just keep her hydrated. You can add gatorade or pedilyte to her water, 50/50, which will help. Might want to try giving her a Pepcid AC to quiet her tummy. I'd give bland foods until she feels better. I like yogurt/unforvored, boiled chicken and rice.. .whatever you think she'll eat that is not too heavy. I doubt, after two weeks, it is the food.


There seems to be a "stomach bug" going around. A lot of people's greys on here have had it, and a good friend in Florida's dog just got over not eating, drinking, having the Big D, etc., and she is now fine.


Good luck and lots of hugs!


Thank you! I'll ask Aadil to pick up some Pepcid AC and gatorade on his way home. Will I have to force it on her if she doesn't drink it on her own?

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I had that problem with Sasha when I had switched her to Canidae Lamb and Rice. I think that the protein content was too high for her, so I had to switch her to Eagle Pack. Check the protein contents, see if it is higher then your previous brand. Good luck!


Sasha's Mom

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I had that problem with Sasha when I had switched her to Canidae Lamb and Rice. I think that the protein content was too high for her, so I had to switch her to Eagle Pack. Check the protein contents, see if it is higher then your previous brand. Good luck!


Sasha's Mom


It is definitely higher than her older food, and it is also grain free, which her other food wasn't.

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Guest Energy11
Just keep her hydrated. You can add gatorade or pedilyte to her water, 50/50, which will help. Might want to try giving her a Pepcid AC to quiet her tummy. I'd give bland foods until she feels better. I like yogurt/unforvored, boiled chicken and rice.. .whatever you think she'll eat that is not too heavy. I doubt, after two weeks, it is the food.


There seems to be a "stomach bug" going around. A lot of people's greys on here have had it, and a good friend in Florida's dog just got over not eating, drinking, having the Big D, etc., and she is now fine.


Good luck and lots of hugs!


Thank you! I'll ask Aadil to pick up some Pepcid AC and gatorade on his way home. Will I have to force it on her if she doesn't drink it on her own?

If she won't drink on her own, you can use a large syringe, a turkey baster, if you have one, or they sell those dropper type things to use to give babies medications (can get at any drug store). If you DO force the fluids, do not give a lot at once, as you don't want to overload her stomach, or force the fluids, accidentally, into her lungs. Just give nice and slowly. Good Luck! Hope it works!

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Guest Lovey_Hounds

the food may be too rich for her and that could be upsetting her belly. we tried so many so called super high end foods and they all upset our dogs bellys we tried another brand that is good but not overly high end and they are fine.

instead if pushing a bunch of stuff into your dog fast her for a day with only water and then slowly introduce her food back to her mixed with rice or oatmeal and ground beef.


most of the dogs at the track used to use Purina Hi-pro (now made by another brand but is basicially the same food) and it is mixed with meat and other things... here si a neat thread to read and it might help you out with feeding Track food


honestly the food you have is good but on average DOESNT work well with greyhounds a lot of people on here use so called mid range foods and they have great luck with them...

Kirkland (get at costco)

Authority (petsmart)( we use this)

Iams-mini chunks (most pet stores)

Blue Buffalo (petsmart)( we use this)

Nutrience (most pet stores)

Pro plan (most pet stores)


some foods just may be too rich for her belly. you are not used to having caviar daily either is she.

Edited by Lovey_Hounds
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If she won't drink on her own, you can use a large syringe, a turkey baster, if you have one, or they sell those dropper type things to use to give babies medications (can get at any drug store). If you DO force the fluids, do not give a lot at once, as you don't want to overload her stomach, or force the fluids, accidentally, into her lungs. Just give nice and slowly. Good Luck! Hope it works!


Luckily, no forcing was necessary! I offered her some chicken noodle soup and she lapped up two cans of it, and also drank the chicken broth I made for her. Thanks for the tips though, I will go out and buy a large syringe if I can find one, or a turkey baster if not.


You might also try adding some chicken broth to her water. Beth lapped that up like crazy when I was fasting her for diarrhea one day recently.


At first, she ignored it. Luckily, after the chicken noodle soup, she lapped up the broth as well :)


the food may be too rich for her and that could be upsetting her belly. we tried so many so called super high end foods and they all upset our dogs bellys we tried another brand that is good but not overly high end and they are fine.

instead if pushing a bunch of stuff into your dog fast her for a day with only water and then slowly introduce her food back to her mixed with rice or oatmeal and ground beef.


most of the dogs at the track used to use Purina Hi-pro (now made by another brand but is basicially the same food) and it is mixed with meat and other things... here si a neat thread to read and it might help you out with feeding Track food


honestly the food you have is good but on average DOESNT work well with greyhounds a lot of people on here use so called mid range foods and they have great luck with them...

Kirkland (get at costco)

Authority (petsmart)( we use this)

Iams-mini chunks (most pet stores)

Blue Buffalo (petsmart)( we use this)

Nutrience (most pet stores)

Pro plan (most pet stores)


some foods just may be too rich for her belly. you are not used to having caviar daily either is she.


We had Sadie on Pro Plan, but she really didn't seem to like it. When we switched to Orijen, she loooved it. Could it still be bugging her tummy, even with her much-improved poops?

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Guest Lovey_Hounds

Give her another few weeks or so an if she still has an upset belly i would switch. i personally mix 2 kibbles together and add different meat with either sweet potato, rice,oatmeal,pasta. Dogs are cornivores that need varity some times and not every food has everything they need thats why i add to their diet. I have also started adding dried sea kelp to thier diet for more calcium and other nutrients ( was suggested to us by a friend who breeds and races greyhounds and his dogs are healthy and nice looking).


Maybe add oatmeal to her kibble to help sooth her belly, we do that when someone isnt feeling well here and it works well all i use is the bag of oatmeal that you boil for about 8 minutes then i add cool water (enough to stop it from burning them but not cold) and mix with kibble and serve! its gooey and sloppy looking buut they love it.

I personally i dont like giving dogs medicine if it isnt needed there are many natural ways to stop upset belly and the big D with out adding pharmacy type products. also when adding broths and such watch the salt content you may be de-hydrating her more with too much salt.

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Give her another few weeks or so an if she still has an upset belly i would switch. i personally mix 2 kibbles together and add different meat with either sweet potato, rice,oatmeal,pasta. Dogs are cornivores that need varity some times and not every food has everything they need thats why i add to their diet. I have also started adding dried sea kelp to thier diet for more calcium and other nutrients ( was suggested to us by a friend who breeds and races greyhounds and his dogs are healthy and nice looking).


Maybe add oatmeal to her kibble to help sooth her belly, we do that when someone isnt feeling well here and it works well all i use is the bag of oatmeal that you boil for about 8 minutes then i add cool water (enough to stop it from burning them but not cold) and mix with kibble and serve! its gooey and sloppy looking buut they love it.

I personally i dont like giving dogs medicine if it isnt needed there are many natural ways to stop upset belly and the big D with out adding pharmacy type products. also when adding broths and such watch the salt content you may be de-hydrating her more with too much salt.


We'll finish off this bag, it only lasts about a week (it's the only size I can carry by myself when taking the bus :lol ) We will definitely switch if she continues not feeling well, though today was the first day that she has had these symptoms. We also feed her raw occasionally, but since work and school has started this month, it's harder to find time to make a well balanced raw meal!


Thank you for the tips about outmeal and kelp and stuff, I will pick some up for her this weekend. And for the broth, I only get reduced sodium anything, broth or OXO or anything (I find the regular stuff too salty for me, and I definitely don't want to upset her tummy with anything that I find too salty!)


I give her things such as eggs, raw ground beef, roasted chicken, pumpkin occasionally, plain yogurt, things like that.


Is it possible Sadie is picking up on the stress that is going on in your lives?


I was worried about her feeling the stress that has been circulating when things first started boiling over, but Aadil and I have been much more relaxed lately with the different prospects popping up for us. I know that dogs are great at picking up emotions around them, but luckily we have been a lot happier lately!

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