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Guest Alfiesmom

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Guest Alfiesmom

Hi everyone, my name is Gill and I am from Shropshire in the UK. I have been following GT since I adopted my lovely greyhound Alfie 4 months ago, and thought it is way time I joined this fantastic forum.

Alfie is my first greyhound, he is a blue brindle, almost 4 years old and my DH and I love him to bits. We have a fireplace showroom and Alfie comes to work with us every day and loves to snuggle up by one of the fires. He is a really laid back greyhound and is lovely with all the customers who come into the shop, they all ask about greyhounds and this gives me an opportunity to tell them all about these wonderful creatures!!! I do some voluntary work for the Greyhound Rescue West of England which I really enjoy, I would like to do much more, but alas I have to work !!!!!

Alfie really settled in well with us from day one, we had some house training issues and a little SA but I did (and still do) away training with him and this seems to be getting less and less. I have over these months found your forum so informative and the fist thing I do when I boot up my PC each morning is click onto GT for a catch up.

I am not very good with a computer but hope to be able to post some picks of my boy as soon as I can work it out !!! :huh

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Guest Alfiesmom

I am really sorry to be so dumb, but I just cannot get my pictures onto this forum :unsure I know how to send them to an email but cant get them onto here...I will have to get some help from someone more PC savvy.

Alfie appears to have had a good racing career here in the UK, he had a track record at Monmore Green and came 1st plenty of times but like many greyhounds he found himself wandering the streets, cold and alone...he was picked up by the pound where he then had 7 days to be claimed...on the 5th day someone who worked there phoned the greyhound rescue and they of course went to get him....thank God for that person making that call or Alfie would have been PTS !!!!! He is so sweet and very gente, walks lovely on the lead and for the last month he has been going off leash in an enclosed field that is near our home, he is very good and comes back to me if he thinks there is too much distance between us :lol Yes, a fireplace showroom is a great place to be, especially in the winter....we get many walkers and their

dogs coming in for a warm, I keep a tin of dog biscuits handy for all the dogs we meet.

I have just had a passport done for Alfie as we have a home in Spain and he will be coming with us for holidays... I have read with great interest on this forum about greyhounds swimming or not swimming as the case may be ! I am really hoping he can swim but I will of course keep a close eye on him by the pool.

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You need to put your pictures into a site like Photobucket (that's what most folks here use) and then you paste the IMG code for the pictures from that site into your message. It's actually pretty easy to use when you give it a try.

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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